TaernCon 2023 – directions, snacks, celebration. Win a t-shirt!


TaernCon 2023 – directions, snacks, celebration. Win a t-shirt!

Hello, Taernians!

We are here with more details about this year’s TaernCon. Now it is time for organizational matters and reminiscing about the previous editions. Have a pleasant reading. ;)

How to get to the event?

The event will take place at Browar Mieszczański, Hubska Str. 44-48, Wrocław, Poland.

Here is a handy map:

If you reach this place and see this poster - you are there:


TaernCon Snacks and Drinks

To make the waiting more pleasant and let you have fun with your stomachs full, there will be foodtracks at Browar Mieszczański’s courtyard starting at 4 PM. There will also be a bike café where you can get not only coffee but also tea, lemonade, yerba mate, and cookies.

As for alcoholic drinks, apart from delicious beer, you can also try:

  • Synergetic,
  • Billy’s Applejack,
  • Bovine Love Elixir,
  • Khold Rotgut,
  • Gymnurid Decoction,

and two novelties:

  • Uruk Herb,
  • Mobile When?

The list of ingredients will be available in the menu. 😉

How will I know I can get in?

At 5 PM you will hear drums - it will be a call to gather. You will have to follow the path to the entrance of the venue (no one will get lost, we swear!).

Broken Ranks Tournament

Here are some rules for those who want to compete in the Broken Ranks tournament (more details can be found in the previous article – TaernCon 2023 – prizes, schedule, location). To take part in the tournament, you have to:

  1. Write your nick on a piece of paper and put it in a special container,
  2. Wait for the draw,
  3. Compete for prizes,
  4. Return home with your hard-won reward. 😎

Win a TaernCon t-shirt for a hashtag. Can’t attend? Not a problem!


This year, we have 6 TaernCon 2023 t-shirts just for you! 3 of them will be given to the participants and 3 to the unlucky three who could not attend the event in person but want to show their creativity. How to participate?

Participation rules for attendees:

  1. Follow our official Instagram profile,
  2. On July 1st or 2nd, share a photo or video (as a post/story/reel) from TaernCon 2023 and tag us with @brokenranks_official on Instagram using the hashtag #TaernCon2023 (if you don’t tag us, we may miss it).

Within 7 working days (between July 3rd and 11th) we will choose 3 random people to contact via a private message on Instagram to tell them that they have won the t-shirts.

Participation rules for non-attendees:

  1. Follow our official Instagram profile,
  2. Take a photo directly related to Broken Ranks. What do we mean? For example: playing the game, fun moments from it, cosplay, in-person meeting with guildmates, or anything else that you come up with (within reason),
  3. Share your work on July 1st or 2nd (as a post/story/reel) and tag us with @brokenranks_official on Instagram using the hashtag #TaernCon2023 (if you don’t tag us, we may miss it)

Within 7 working days (between July 3rd and 11th) we will choose the 3 most creative people to contact via a private message on Instagram to tell them that they have won the t-shirts. ;)

A moment to remember the TaernCons of the past

By the way, we have focused so much on organizing the event itself to give you as much fun as possible that we forgot to share with you a video showing all the years we have spent in your company - from small gatherings in the bars of Wrocław to halls able to hold hundreds of Taernians. Immerse yourself in the nostalgic atmosphere with us – LINK.

And, of course, follow our social media if you do not want to miss any interesting articles from the world of Broken Ranks – CLICK.

Signups. I will not be able to attend after all, how can I let you know?

As we mentioned in the previous article, we closed the signup form on June 15th. The number of people wanting to attend has exceeded our wildest expectations, so we are extremely happy! Unfortunately, this also means that if you have not signed up through the form, we may not find a spot for you. However, we have good news - if anyone decides they cannot come, we’ll invite the people from the reserve list. You can sign up for it here HERE.

If you are on the reserve list, we will inform you about a free spot at the event no later than June 23rd.

If you have signed up, but you will not be able to attend, please let us know on our Discord (message @uzi) or by email at [email protected]. Thanks to this, another Taernian will be able to participate in the celebration. We will be waiting for you next year! 😄

See you on the dance floor!