TaernCon 2023 – save the date!


TaernCon 2023 – save the date!

Hello dear Taernians!

For many, many years, we’ve been organizing TaernCon - a convention for our most dedicated fans. As always, it’ll take place at the beginning of July. TaernCon is a great opportunity to meet those with whom you explore the world of Broken Ranks face to face, talk to the developers of Whitemoon Games, and get some precious prizes and souvenirs.

When and where will the convention be?

TaernCon 2023 will take place in Wrocław on July 1st, so save the date and book a room in a hotel or at your friend’s place.

I don’t speak Polish, should I come?

Although most of the people attending will be Polish, many of us speak English, so we would very much welcome our fans from any country. We will do everything in our power to make the event very enjoyable for you and let you participate in as many activities as possible. Depending on the interest, we may run some parts of the convention in English.

What awaits you at TaernCon?

Of course, we don’t want to lay all our cards on the table, but we’d like to tell you more about the convention and what you can expect this year. Read on!

Cosplay contest

Certain traditions have arisen since the time of the first convention - things that are ingrained in the very nature of TaernCon. The most spectacular of them is definitely the cosplay contest. Want to dress up as your favorite mob, NPC, class, or any character from the world of Broken Ranks? It’s a great opportunity to show your creativity and get a standing ovation from the excited audience. Don’t worry if your craftsmanship isn’t at the highest level yet. Remember that the most important thing is having fun with your old and new friends. Don’t worry, get some tools, and prepare your incredible costume to compete for the title of the best cosplay of TaernCon 2023 (and other, more tangible rewards) in about five months!


Taern trivia

You can name any area without looking at the map? The location of the Orc Herb, the use of the Bony Cony Babouches and the name of Anmenial’s lover are no mystery to you? Then you should definitely come to the annual Broken Ranks trivia. However, even if you think that no question can surprise you, we suggest you prepare well, because the sharpest minds will be rewarded with awesome loot. ;)

Q&A with the developers

The Q&A sessions with our Holy Trinity – Drygu, Torgerd, and Pan Tomasz – is the most anticipated element of every TaernCon. During the session, you can ask them various questions about the world of Broken Ranks directly.


Is this all?

Of course not! Once the official part is over, frollicking to the music will begin. During TaernCon, you will be able to buy food and drinks. We are also planning some new activities, but we’ll dive deeper into that in a special article dedicated to TaernCon 2023 that will be published in the near future. It’ll also include more details about the place, time, participation requirements, cosplay contest, and prizes.


With this piece of news, we just wanted to give you a quick preview of this year’s convention. However, if you want to see what the meetings of our wonderful community look like or need a shot of nostalgia, HERE you can watch a video from TaernCon 2022. ;)

See you at TaernCon!