Date: 13.02.2024, 10:30 AM CET.
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
- New Valentine's Day skins: the "Devotion" armor (available for purchase in the Premium Shop) and the "Temptations" pants (reward for completing the "Valentine’s Day Party" quest). Skins from the previous years can be obtained by purchasing them in the Premium Shop.
- Minor corrections to rewards and text in the "Valentine’s Day Party" quest, added a Administrator in the University District.
- Changes to the Wreaker of Havoc event (compared to the previous edition): added the option to make individual parts of the Alkazaar’s Key at half price and no cooldown for the Breath task for levels 70-100, reduced the respawn time of bosses and added a Tiger to Bug Burrows from the Path of Discovery, changed the cost of crafting of a set for Selena (the Wreaker will require Enormous Flasks, but fewer glyphs), changed the way of entering the Vorling Tomb and Selena’s instance (the Wreaker will transport players directly through dialogue), added the Wreaker in the Harblud Courtyard and in the Thalia’s University District, corrections in the text.
- Changes related to reaching the Morana instance: reduced the weight of granite blocks from 150 to 100, increased the number of points for activities on the bridge, increased the respawn speed of parties of the shackled, increased the damage from the cannons, modified the resistances of the Gate to the Death Incarnate, reduced the time until the next event to 5 minutes, increased the number of Fanatics respawning at the same time when there are more than 40 players in the courtyard, introduced minor improvements to the mapping.
- Corrected a bug in the random generation of ornaments when sets are dropped (until now, they were no higher than bronze I ornament).
- Disabled elite aggressiveness on the Sidraga instance.
- Fixed a few chat issues related to links.
- Other minor graphical, mechanical, textual and quest improvements.