Date: 09.09.2024, 12:00 PM CEST.
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
Hello Taernians!
In this update, we focus mostly on the implementation of your suggestions concerning the quality of gameplay in Broken Ranks. It’ll include many improvements and new features, especially quicker item transfer between windows, more comfortable shops and resetting skills and attributes.
In total, we’ll implement 60 unique suggestions! Of course, for clarity’s sake we’ll bunch up similar suggestions together into a single point. The full list of suggestions can be found on the channel “Implemented” on our Discord. Without further ado, let’s get down to business. After all, it’s going to be a long read!
Implemented player suggestions:
- Added the option to move items between windows by right clicking them.
- Added keyboard shortcuts to quickly move stacks of items: Shift + RMB - skips the “choose amount” window, Shift + Alt + RMB - doesn’t skip the “choose amount” window.
- Added tips explaining shortcuts when you mouse over gear, items, and artifacts (can be enabled/disabled in the settings).
- Item slots (e.g. Manamer, Inhibitor) will now automatically be filled in shop windows if the items are in the backpack.
- Added the option to immediately buy the required items (e.g. Manamer, Inhibitor) from any shop window where they are needed. This only applies to items that can be bought from the vendor. This type of purchase can be permanently enabled so that it’s automatic - in such a case, the purchase won’t need to be confirmed every time.
- Added the option to buy multiples of the same item from vendors.
- Reduced the number of processing tabs in shop windows to two: melting and shattering (the same slot will accept both gear and artifacts).
- The open backpack tab in the deposit will no longer revert to page one when players switch deposits.
- Changed the way gear is charged - it will no longer be percentage-based but a set number of charges will be added. Charging will require at least one essence (the maximum number depends on the rank and type of gear - the higher rank the more essences are needed) and the number of charges will be added to those currently on the gear. Using an inhibitor increases the number of charges gained and lets players overcharge beyond the maximum limit.
- Changed the maximum number of essences needed for a single charging (as opposed to the previous system): epics, rares, and synergetics - [CLICK], sets - [CLICK].
- Increased the charge capacity of synergetics - one essence will provide the same amount of charges as for rare gear.
You can learn more about these changes from this video.
- Changed the way skills and attributes are reset - after clicking RESET, players will be taken to edit mode where they can assign points as they like. The cost will be paid only once the build is accepted by clicking the appropriate button. Resetting skills and attributes will no longer cause players to be logged out, stripped of their gear (unless requirements after the reset are no longer met), or delete tactics (except for when a skill would become unavailable after the reset).
- In PvE, players can no longer die at the same time as the opponent due to damage-over-time effects or damage reflection - if the opponent would die due to those, the effect on the player will not trigger.
- In PvE, pet attacks and damage-over-time effects will be cancelled if the pet is in combat alone. This prevents the pet from finishing off the opponent.
- Reduced the number of exhaustion animations - only one “curtsy” will be performed for each attack type, e.g. using a single-target ranged attack (e.g. Fireball) reduces the number to one while using an area-of-effect and a single-target ranged attack (e.g. Rain of Fire and Fireball) reduces it to two.
- The following windows from the main UI can now be accessed in combat: Guild, Marketplace, Mail, Friends, Rankings.
- Expanded the feature that lets you see loot in achievements - it will also show epics, sets, synergetics, and drifs acquires from bosses, champions, and elites. The data will refresh every 5 minutes or after a relog. WARNING! The numbers given will include historical data but only since the release of Broken Ranks (January 25th, 2022) - this means that on Thanar, Thalia, and Pavar the numbers given will not reflect the legendary gear looted in The Pride of Taern.
- Modifiers, buffs, and debuffs affecting resource use will be included in the overview of required resources available when mousing over skills in combat and tactics - in combat, the data will be refreshed at the beginning of each round.
- Resting will no longer be interrupted if players move between guild windows.
- When in the guild, players will be able to see each other and trade no matter the building they are in.
- Leaving a party will now be possible using a short (T by default) when in guild buildings, deposit, and the arena.
- Added an icon informing about the backpack being almost full - it will appear on the equipment icon when the backpack reaches 90% capacity.
- Added used drif capacity to gear description.
- Added information about base critical hit chance and base resource regeneration to the psychoproperties list.
- Ordered psychoproperties by effected and improved the readability of the list.
- Changed the order in which loot is displayed in combat summary (so that the most valuable items are first): epics, rares, sets, synergetics, drifs, item, normal gear.
- Resources will now be updated immediately after a party member uses a potion.
- Added a vendor to the Dmorther Garrison.
- All vendors will now sell all inhibitors.
- Emperors can now be bought in batches of 100.
- Added a “protection zone” to vendors and the Glanachain Observer to make it easier to start conversation with them - players will no longer be able to stand on top of them.
- Added the option to change the following keyboard shortcuts: World map, Change opponent, Combatants status, Effects in combat.
- Extended and equalized the expiration time for all boss instances - each instance will expire after 15 minutes since the last player logs out.
- Changed the Commander instance: restored one-mob groups in the Cabins (except for the Path of Challenge), decreased the difficulty of the Keymaster, changed the Fury animation of Utorians Sailors to a shorter one (this also applies to the Sailors found in the Admiral instance).
- Changed the Elemental Specters instance: players can now exit the instance the same way they entered (player can still exit via the portal), decreased the number of mobs in the instance, players can no longer run through the tunnels - if the barriers are not deactivated by placing the Runes in the mechanism, they will always kill the player.
- Changes to the Aqua Regis instance: reduced the weight of staves to 1 and changed the way they drop to non-random - they will drop from every third assistant killed (it will drop for the person who defeated the third one).
- Changes to the Tarul instance: improved the AI of summoning Tarul’s bodyguards - their death will be checked at the end of round and if it matches the sequence given, no mobs will be summoned (e.g. if the sequence is 1, 2, 3, 4 and players kill 1, 3, and 2, then no mob will be summoned next round, but if 1 and 3 are killed instead, 3 will be summoned again), changed the mechanic of choosing the delegate and blocked the possibility of bypassing it - the class will be chosen from among those that entered the Hall of Wrath no matter if anyone is logged in or not after the delegate dies (the class will not repeat if it has already been chosen), fixed a bug causing stronger mobs to not spawn if the portal is entered by another class after the delegate logs out.
- Added requirements to the Tarul and Sidraga instances - in both cases, the party needs to be full without any class repeating.
- Changed the respawn spot for the instances of Ichtion, Geomorph, and Garthmog - players will now spawn inside the instance instead of the Alaril Inn or Trentis Hospital.
- Moved the exit from the GMO instance from Khold Mountains to Orc Forest.
- Disabled party lock during fights with the Gate to the Death Incarnate and four-mob groups on the bridge leading to the Morana instance.
- Players can now enter the Castle Gates from the Mountainside as a party if everyone meets the requirements.
- Improved the AI of the physical Fanatic - it will no longer attempt to break Roots while not being immobilized.
- Removed the skill Forced Escape from the AI of Grips in the Master of Puppets instance and replaced it with War Cry.
- Added the following items to the loot list of some champions: Tick Abdomen (Yeti Feeder, Yak Feeder, Bloodsucker), Ethereal Dust (Wisp), Giant Skin (Gnawk).
- Increased the level of Harpies and equalized the experience gained from it to the Gorgons.
- Players will no longer be able to move from the Control Hall to the Workshop if they are not finished making Cells (as a safeguard from exiting by accident).
- Improved the Observer event - Entrails will now continue dropping even after the required amount of mobs killed is reached.
- The DQ Stasek’s Bull can be done no matter the time of day.
- Bombards will be automatically removed from the backpack after exiting the Admiral instance.
- Increased the chance of a Tick spawning after using an axe on a redwood.
- Increased clickable area for the mushrooms in the Giants Cave.
- Added a green area in the Forlorn Settlement next to Somnus.
- Added a shortcut from the Mayor’s House to the Inn in Beirn.
- Added a shortcut from the bridge to the Under Ice instances on the Frozen Lake.
- Added the effect of burning and HP loss when stepping into the campfire in the Garrison.
Other changes and improvements:
- Changes to challenges: decreased the number and chance of less popular Path of Challenge instances to be rolled and increased the chance of generating Aqua Regis and the ice bosses on the path of discovery on high level ranges (the challenges rolled before the update will remain unchanged).
- Removed Journeyman Glyphs from the prize pool for weekly challenges on all level ranges. Added Selena parts to the prize pool for levels 110+.
- Decreased the droprate of Journeyman Glyphs and increased the droprate of Track of Fright from Tit.
- Changes to the droprate of normal items from the Tarul instance - decreased the droprate of Journeyman Glyphs on the Path of Adventure, removed Reols from the path of Challenge, changed the droprate of other items to balance the profits from the instance and improve overall server economy (some were increased, some were decreased).
- Decreased the droprate of Grandmaster Glyphs.
- Players will no longer get stuck in the Castle Specter and Valdarog instances if the rest of the party moved forward - the passage will close only when all the players in the instance cross it. If all the players cross it when one of the players is logged out, the passage will open again once they log in.
- Changed the spots players join from or flee to on many fight backgrounds so that they don’t clip into the scenography, e.g. escape into a wall.
- Added the mechanic of patrolling and changing areas at certain time to the guards in the Garrison (depending on the time of day Hoffer, Enna, Ludvig, Daron, Vinebruck, and Amman can be found patrolling the Garrison or in their Quarters) and Stasek in Beirn.
- Miscellaneous changes and fixes.
- Fixed a bug causing the DQ Intruders not to reset when using the Reset Daily Quests item.
- Fixed a bug causing random weekly challenge prizes to be rerolled if the claiming was postponed and there was a server restart.
- Fixed a bug causing psychoexperience from the daily challenge main reward to be counted two times towards the weekly challenge “gain psychoexperience”.
- Fixed a bug causing the skill Shadow Aura not to be counted towards the weekly challenge “perform any action in combat”.
- Fixed a critical error occurring when a chest from a challenge was picked up while mousing over the challenge.
- Fixed a bug causing the compass to point to Beirn through the Commander instance.
- Fixed a bug causing resources from guild or weekly buffs to not appear on the resource bars after relogging.
- Fixed a bug making it possible to bypass the cooldown in the task Dragon Breath.
- Fixed a bug causing drif to have extra modifiers if they are leveled down from the higher levels and then level up again. The modifier will be fixed for all players.
- Fixed a bug allowing players to craft a Legend without killing all the bosses from the list.
- Fixed a bug causing players to not be able to craft a Legend from the second repaired epic if they first repaired the new epic and then destroyed the old one.
- Fixed a bug causing Khemenak guards to disappear after a server restart.
- Fixed a bug causing weight and value of items in the trade window to not refresh if a player put some items then and then took some back.
- Fixed the command that clears the chat window (/clear) - it didn’t clear the chat right away.