Date: 9.05.2022
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
Castle Specter:
- Implemented the Castle Specter instance - you can get there by using the portals in Lower Khemenak near Master Arcanegrin.
- Implemented part one of the introductory quest for the Castle Specter instance - Ars Moriendi. The requirements for it are having level 40 and completing the quest Speck of Honor.
- New models and avatars for the following mobs: Castle Specter, Collector, Stilt, Rasp.
- AI and strength of the following mobs have been adjusted: Castle Specter, Collector, Stilt, Rasp.
- Added three new versions of the Emerald Night skin set: Burgundy Night, Azure Night, Amethyst Night.
- Added animations to pets in the pet window.
- Added a model to the special pet Badger.
- Fixed errors in fight backgrounds (invisible markers under players/mobs, mobs and effects sinking under the floor, disappearing visual effects).
- Added a missing graphic to the unique skin Kaishi.
- Many new avatars for NPCs.
- Many new avatars for mobs.
- Added a new model for the Insane Gorgon.
- Improved textures on Harpies and Gorgons.
- Fixed overexposure on Pteranodon.
- Animation of the following mobs on the map has been changed: Macaw, Vultmare, Nightmare, Croak.
- Dynamite explosion will no longer be played twice after fleeing or relogging in the Morana instance.
- Fixed minor visual or mapping errors.
Other changes and features:
- Changed the loot system - loot will no longer be assigned in a set sequence. Instead, it will be given at random, but to make it fair, one person looting two legendary items can only happen if every other person in the party has looted a legendary item.
- Pet Shops are back - the option can be bought in the Premium Store. It allows you to revive pets at any NPC for 24 hours.
- Rankings now show daily prestige gain for guilds, you can now search guilds by name and rank, you can now click a button to search for yourself in the level leaderboard.
- Unique sounds of mobs approaching during combat have been added (until now they shared a generic sound of "stamping").
- You can now expand your deposits once again.
- You can now throw items away with the deposit window open.
- You can now more easily put or take all your gold or platinum to/from the deposit - no need to enter an exact amount, just enter more than you have.
- The prices of Premium skins in the Store have been lowered.
- Drop chance of synergetics has been modified: drop chance of low-level synergetics has been decreased in low-level instances. Drop chance of mid-level synergetics has been increased in instances intended for characters with higher levels.
- More information about PvP added to the PvP tab in the attributes window (more details about: PvP status, PvP ranking, sadist, protection).
- If you cannot get PvP protection for the 5 hour period, you’ll see a timer in the PvP tab.
- Improved the PvP status bar - shield will now be blue and the direction has been inverted.
- Added a warning when entering a PvP zone. Such zones will be marked with a skull next to the name.
- Added information on whether a party is in combat on the party list (accessed by pressing N).
- Improved the thread window in the guild forum - you can reply with the message window instead of by replying others.
- Increased the character limit in the news section of the guild and made it scrollable.
- Made the keyboard shortcuts window scrollable - keyboard shortcuts should no longer overlap.
- Changed the color of the trade chat and removed the colored staff nicknames.
- Quests completion is no longer obligatory to access Khemenak and Lower Khemenak. The option is available at Sulog and Stairs Guard after reaching level 45.
- Increased the spawn rate of mobs in the Khold Forest and Bandit Forest and modified some of the teams.
- Liquid of Rush will now drop from teams with the mob Hunter.
- Cods can now be made into filets at Felian in the port instead of Murrag.
- Improved the task Wolf Hunt - it now has two stages to make it clear that you need to bring the skins.
- Moved the skeleton task from Hoberl to Huvan (a new NPC at the swamp) to make the task marker visible on the map.
- Moved the task Iron Price from Captain Bertold to the Border Guard in Alaril so that players can’t take a task they can’t complete because they can’t cross the border yet.
- Added a mechanism that moves players from Hof if they have been offline there for a long time.
- Changed the aggressiveness of Ichtion to “always aggressive” (from until level 60).
- Fixed an error causing mobs to spawn in places where they shouldn’t (e.g. normal orcs spawning next to Ivravul) or to not spawn at all (e.g. one of the gatekeepers before entering the Elemental Specters).
- Fixed the missing instance bug occurring mostly in multi-level instances (e.g. Construct).
- Improved the mechanism in the Dveir Burrow that makes elements and glyphs - fixed an exploit allowing players to produce two instead of one.
- Fixed a bug causing the boss party to disappear when players kill Selena and flee without killing the wisps.
- Fixed critical errors occurring when using the friends and party windows, opening the world map when moving between maps, and with slow internet connection.
- Fixes for a number of issues causing problems with quests' mechanics.
- Fixed a bug causing the shield/skull to not appear over the heads of characters with 500 status points.
- Fixed an error causing player avatars to cover the guild name in the friends window.
- Fix for an issue where player's character would be incorrectly displayed on a loading screen if map was changed while equipment window was open.
- Fixed errors in all abilities and effects that steal resources (e.g. draining mana, life, stamina) - no immediate update of the number of resources, temporarily going over maximum resources, showing the stealing of life instead of stamina. These bugs sometimes caused an error for the whole party.
- Fixed a bug causing the Group Cold Aura to appear only over the head of the character who was the target.
- Fixed a bug in the single-target Cold Aura - it didn’t drain stamina in the last round.
- Fixed too low debuff power in Silenced.
- Fixed a bug with the UI freezing when trying to log into an offline server.
- Fixed incorrectly placed numbers near items needed to revive pets in pet shop windows.
- Fixed the sound of Sentry dying.
- Fixed reported errors in texts and improved some of them.
Quest fixes:
- Players will now leave the party in the quest Greasing the Cogs if the leader is about to be thrown into jail.
- Added an exit portal on the island in the quest What Goes Around. The portal is active if the player has no instance there (to prevent people from getting stuck).
- Fixed a bug in the daily quest Hawker - the dialogue didn’t take the egg if the option to add pet experience for ducats was chosen.