Date: 27.03.2024, 10:30 AM CET.
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
Hello Taernians!
In this update, we mostly make changes related to the Bunny Marathon. If you haven’t done so already, please read this article to learn what this event is about. Below is a detailed list of new features and changes.
Bunny Marathon - new features and changes in this edition:
- Added new skins that complement the Sower of Spring set added last year: Helmet of Rebirth (can be acquired during the event), the cloak Floral Veil and the boots Snowdrops (can be bought in the Premium Store).
- Added a new mob for the lowest level range - Weretuna.
- Added easier versions of the gold and experience tasks (including psychoexperience tasks for characters level 140) as an alternative to the more difficult ones that require a strong party.
- Changed the gold and experience rewards for tasks, and the spawn areas of some task mobs and chests.
- Increased the number and spawn rate of event mobs. Each level range will now have mob parties consisting of two or three mobs.
- Changed the spawn areas of event mobs - you’ll be able to encounter them as follows:
a) Weretunas: Hamlet near Trentis, Fishermen Village, Castle Grounds
b) Chicken Hearts: Alaril, Crossroads, De Vries Estate, Khold Forest
c) Chickenpoxes: Thalia's University District, Orc Forest, Khold Mountains, Ravine
d) Lambdas: Plateau, Garrison, Beirn, Mountainside - Added or increased psychoexperience from Chicken Hearts, Chickenpoxes, Lambdas, and Slaughter Lambs (including those from tasks).
- Increased the psychoexperience gained from the experience-to-psychoexperience converter at level 140.
- Changed the number of items lootable from normal event mobs and their drop chance, as well as rewards lootable from Slaughter Lambs.
- Minor AI and attribute adjustments for mobs.
- Increased the level of event mobs (so that higher level characters can get more experience).
- Added elite mobs for lower level ranges: Tunatrice, Cocky Heart, Chickenplague.
- Changed the spawn area of Slaughter Lambs - they’ll have a chance to spawn in any area where Lambdas are found. The same is true for the other event elites.
- Changed the Slaughter Lamb achievement to Spring Elites - all event elites will count towards it.
- Changed the mechanism controlling Easter Eggs spawn - once a certain minimum is reached, the number of Easter Eggs will scale with the number of players logged in.
- Changed the rewards for exchanging Easter Eggs at Poolo Cohello - there’ll be only one option to exchange 200 Easter Eggs. If a player has fewer Easter Eggs, Poolo Cohello will exchange them for gold. Players will get one of the following for exchanging their eggs LINK.
- Removed old, unused items with no graphics (this includes mostly items transferred from The Pride of Taern on Thanar, Thalia, and Pavar).
- Minor bug, UI, and mechanism fixes.