Date: 29.06.2022, 12:00 AM CEST
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
Puppet Master:
- Added the Puppet Master instance — the entrance is located in the Druid Village.
- New models and avatars for: The Imprisoned One, Grip, Limb, Puppets, Puppet Master.
- Adjusted the AI and power of: The Imprisoned One, Grip, Limb, Puppets, Puppet Master.
- Added the quest Puppet Master — you can take it from Simza, Veela or Aegustahephium (Alaril, Druid Village) once you reach level 29.
- Added the quest The Imprisoned One — you can take it from Azaria (Druid Village) once you reach level 30, and complete the quest Puppet Master or buy the recipe for the Imprisoned one. The quest allows you to create a new pet — The Imprisoned One.
- Added the continuation of the quest Ars Moriendi — if you want to see the end of the story, speak with Master Arcanegrin (Lower Khemenak).
- Added a graphical representation of achievements — you can see it in the attributes window in the Achievements tab.
- Added some new achievements.
- Added missing achievements.
- Added requirements and names for each achievement level.
- Added Top10 for each achievement.
- Added a keyboard shortcut to the achievements tab.
- The Keymaster now has a Rain of Fire animation.
- New graphics for the traps and tracks in the daily quest On the Trail.
- Graphical improvements for pet status in the party window.
- Minor graphical improvements in the UI.
- New NPC avatars.
- New mob avatars.
- Graphical improvements for Bony Cony Babouches and Sight of the Deeps (implemented with patch 2.16.1).
- Added the number of characters in a party on the list of characters (accessed using a keyboard shortcut).
- Changed the amount of prestige gained for looting legendary items.
- Changed the place players are teleported to after using the teleportation scroll — now it’s the main view instead of the teleportation tower.
- Added description for pet equipment slots in the pet window.
- Added an arrow to the chat for sending messages using the mouse.
- Aegustahephium’s name will now be displayed over his head.
- Fixed a bug causing buffs not to be dispelled when exiting Tarul’s instance.
- Fixed a bug causing a critical error when scrolling the ranking really fast.
- Fixed a bug allowing players to create multiple guilds of the same name if the first guild of that name has been disbanded.
- Fixed a bug causing players to be unable to buy more deposit space if they have exactly 10 platinum on them.
- Fixed a bug causing the item Bridge Key to disappear when dragged and dropped onto the character.
- Minor fixes to quest and area mechanisms.