Who was Allenor? How was Wurm created? What’s the lore behind Imisindo? And many more… Yes, it’s epics time!
The soul of a great Taernian knight was bound to this weapon. The touch of its blade feels like red-hot iron to villains and monsters.
Allenor was the unparalleled exemplar of chivalric values who vowed to, above all else, defend the weak and fight depravity. When he was knighted, he swore never to rest until all the evil was uprooted from the Taernian soil. He never refused those who were wronged and no villain would know his mercy. Before long, Allenor became the symbol of justice and hope for the people. However, not everybody liked it. The magnates of Cagliharmon started to fear that the knight would put an end to their dirty businesses. They convinced the weak, impressionable king that Allenor’s popularity was a threat to him and the knight should be dealt with. The king tasked the knight with apprehending a renegade mage who dabbled in necromancy. Allenor didn’t know that the mission was a trap and that the dark mage would be prepared for his arrival. At the foot of the obsidian tower of the sorcerer, Allenor fought his last battle. The knight was beset by a horde of the undead and demons, and although he would repel wave after wave, in the end he had to succumb to the vile magic. The necromancer dealt the dying knight one final blow, perhaps the most severe of them all - he divulged the truth about the plot of the king on behalf of whom the knight fought injustice. The bitterness of the truth and the unfulfilled promise didn’t let Allenor’s soul rest in peace. Until this day, he persists in the Ring of Souls, ready to deliver justice and support any idealistic knight with his power.Read more
This staff was blessed by the goddess of death. It helps devoted voodoo adepts gain indisputable power over death.
Attawa was a goddess of death worshipped by the Utorian tribes many years before they were united by the Hegemon. Both the shamans craving for the arcana of the dark magic and simple peasants wishing to stave off the inevitable devoted themselves to her. According to Utorian myths, Attawa had a sister. Her name was Elara and she was the goddess of life. Each of them wanted absolute power over the world and so they fought for control. Attawa cursed those whose time had not come yet with death while Elara resurrected and kept alive those mortally wounded and incurably ill, even when they wanted to take their own lives. Plants blossomed in winter, fruits rotted even before they ripened, mothers gave birth to babies in elderly bodies. For a long time, none of the sisters wanted to yield but neither could best the other. Their conflict led to the arrest of the natural life-and-death cycle and the goddesses were mortified when they discovered their power was dwindling. They ceased their struggle and joined forces to restore the natural balance. Once harmony was reinstated, both goddesses vowed to keep watch over it. Although during the reign of the Hegemon the worshippers of Elara were weeded out, Attawa still has many tribes faithful to her in the far wastelands of Utor. The goddess bestows knowledge upon anyone wishing to learn more about death and gladly allots her power to the most fervent adepts of the dark arts.Read more
The gloves are a sacred relic of the legendary Washi. Their users are blessed with a supernatural speed and precision.
Washi is a half-legendary figure, the daughter of the first emperor of Dirtam. His death without a male heir sparked a civil war as the magnates couldn’t put up with the fact that a woman was to be their ruler. The rebels took control over the capital, established a new body governing the country, the Council of Five, all while their thugs murdered the princess and buried her in a nameless tomb. However, according to legend, this wasn’t the end of her story. A couple of years after she died, a wave of mysterious assassinations swept over the rebel ranks and no one could track down the killer. The fear in the Council grew and so it decided to lure the assassin into a trap. The Council itself would become the bait as they would convene in a seemingly poorly-defended palace. The members of the council were astounded when the murdered princess was the one to visit them. Once they recovered from the shock, they ordered the hidden guards to slay her. It was then when Washi began her dance of death. None of her blows missed, each one caused one of her opponents to drop dead, and a volley of their arrows and swords hit only air. In her eyes, there was no aggression or hatred, just coldness and determination. Except for a couple of servants, all crazed with fear, no one left the palace alive and Washi herself disappeared without a trace. Soon, Washi became a religious icon. Everyone who wanted to perfect the art of close combat sought her patronage. Although many deem her only a legendary figure, those who ask for her blessing in the name of refining their martial arts are often bestowed with deadly agility and speed.Read more
The staff is filled with the power of the mightiest dragon that ever lived. Its heat can only be controlled by a true master of fire.
Wurm was an ancient dragon ravaging the lands of Haligard long before the Empire was established. It was the embodiment of fire and no hero could best it. Many generations of Haligardians lived in constant fear for their lives and belongings, their fate at the mercy of the capricious beast. Wurm was defeated only when the greatest mages of the realm joined forces with the representatives of the Lodge who had arrived from overseas. The dragon was too powerful to be restrained and so the only option was to slay it. Some of the mages bound the dragon with powerful spells, the others tore at its rock-hard carapace and pierced its heart. However, the mages never got a chance to celebrate their victory. When the dragon's spark, the only thing that kept its immeasurable heat in check, was extinguished, a hellish inferno erupted. The conflagration consumed the dragon’s body and all the mages. The land in a hundred meter radius remained barren for centuries while forest and field fires reached even the far-off Magroth. However, Wurm, a being of pure flames, couldn’t die that easily. Its fiery essence exists to this day and anyone ready to dedicate their lives to the element can attain a portion of this power. That is, if they prove to be strong enough to withstand it and not be consumed by the unbridled heat.Read more
Lantern of Life
The staff contains a splinter of the Tree of Life's power. Thanks to it, any druid wielding it can call upon the forces of nature.
The Lantern of Life carries a spark of the highest sanctity - the Tree of Life. Many years ago, people from all over Alaril made pilgrimages to the Tree. In return, they received countless blessings. However, the green pestilence arrived... The power of the Tree drew the attention of the orcs. These creatures, led by a chieftain called Tarul, were jealous of the gifts bestowed upon humanity by the Tree. The greenskins, instead of paying the Tree its due respect and beseeching its grace, decided to destroy it. We didn't want to fight, but when these creatures began razing the holy grove, we had to take up arms. Many an invader was slain, but even more of them immediately took his place. They were making slow but steady progress towards the heart of the woods. Soon after, they reached the Tree of Life and, realizing its power, started chopping it down and burning the pieces so that the Tree could never sprout again. Some of us were captured and forced to watch, with despair and disbelief, as everything we thought sacred turned into ash. The rage begotten from this sight gave us enough strength to free ourselves of the bonds. My brothers, in a suicidal charge, attacked these animals, giving me just enough time to escape into the night with the last unburnt twig. Together with it, I managed to save a couple of acorns that I later planted in secluded spots in the hope they would grow into a new Tree of Life. I cannot be sure of the success of my mission - if the new Trees sprout, it’ll be long after I have left this world. ~Astalor, the last caretaker of the Tree of LifeRead more
The bow radiates the aura of the Eternal Hunter. In the hands of the worthy, it is an instrument of death and devastation.
Imisindo, also known as the Eternal Hunter, was an entity from Andayan myths - a forest spirit and a patron of hunters. He showed the first humans how to craft and use a bow, he taught them to track animals and move silently in the thick undergrowth. The Andayan hunters tried to appease him with gifts and prayers before a hunt so that he would provide an abundance of game, a sure hand, and a keen eye. According to one of the legends, Imisindo, while traveling the Andayan desert, came across a giant beast, the forefather of all skallterks. The creature was ravaging the area, drilling tunnels so deep that the surrounding mountains collapsed. All the animals in the vicinity died and the skallterk began to threaten the backwoods that stretched beyond the desert and were home to Imisindo. He couldn’t let it destroy them and so he attacked the monster. The carapace of the beast was so thick that Imisindo’s arrows couldn’t pierce it while the Eternal Hunter was too quick and agile for the monster’s blows to reach him. Imisindo, unable to slay the creature, lured it into the deepest underground abyss and blinded it. The monster has been stuck there to this very day, unable to escape despite numerous attempts. It smashes its head against the roots of mountains, shaking the surface to which it cannot return. Imisindo listens not only to the calls of the Andayans. Anyone for whom the bow is an extension of their arm and a sharp arrowhead is an extension of their will pleases the Eternal Hunter and may count on his blessings.Read more
The soul of a great Vorling warrior was bound to this weapon. Its blade burns with his eternal bloodlust and unquenchable wrath.
Gorthdar was the greatest Vorling warrior that ever lived. He fought in the Htaga Wars but not for power or riches. Only the struggle itself and victory mattered to him. After the defeat of Htaga, the Vorlings were scattered and weak. Mountain trolls used this opportunity to unite under the biggest of them called Gnarlug, who could tear a man to pieces with his bare hands. The trolls went down the mountains to rid Dmorther of humans and no one could stem this tide. Village after village was ravaged by them until they crossed paths with Gorthdar. He challenged Gnarlug to a duel, knocked him down, and cut his head off. The trolls, terrified by the death of their chieftain, fled and Gorthdar was hailed as a hero. The trolls wanted revenge but none of them dared challenge him. Therefore, they resorted to trickery - they attacked his village while he was out hunting and murdered his woman and the unborn baby she was carrying. When Gorthdar discovered what had happened, a red mist crept over his mind. Without regard for the cold, hunger, or exhaustion, he traversed the mountains driven only by his bloodlust. However, the piles of bodies that he left in his wake were not enough to quench his vengeful thirst. The Vorling lost himself in his rage and went missing - nobody knows whether he died in a mountain snowstorm or finally met his match and was vanquished. However, even death couldn’t douse the flame of his anger - Gorthdar’s spirit still wanders the Ring of Souls, waiting for someone worthy of returning him from the dead, someone who could satiate his bloodlust.Read more
How to upgrade your epic weapons?