Use orbs to enchant your gear!


Use orbs to enchant your gear!

Yet another update will soon arrive on the servers. The main focus will be on the next part of the gear reform and adding difficulty levels to more instances. Want more details? Read on. ;)

Gear Reform

New gear properties
When we showed you the initial concept for the changes to gear, we mentioned some additional properties legendaries would have by default. We wanted legendary gear to have a unique effect as soon as it’s looted - something that would make it stand out from the shop gear and synergetics at first glance .

This idea gave birth to orbs - completely new effects, different from the psycho properties you know so well. Every rare, set, or epic gear that you loot will have an orb chosen at random and you won’t be able to give it more. We won’t add any orbs to the gear you currently have. However, orbs from a newly-acquired gear piece can be moved to your old gear with the help of transferring.

Orbs are divided into three types based on the category of gear they appear on: universal (jewelry), defensive (gear with physical resistances + vambraces), and offensive (gear without physical resistances). Below is a list of all new effects:

Universal [CLICK]:
  • bonus experience (only affects PvE fights),
  • bonus gold (only affects PvE fights),
  • bonus psychoexperience (affects all enabled drifs, including those inside other pieces of gear),
  • increased backpack capacity,
  • faster resting,
  • slower discharging of gear (increases the number of charges on all equipped pieces of gear).

Defensive [CLICK]:
  • reduces melee damage taken,
  • reduces ranged damage taken,
  • reduces mental damage taken,
  • reduces area-of-effect damage taken,
  • reduction of damage dealt by normal mobs,
  • reduction of damage dealt by champions,
  • reduction of damage dealt by bosses,
  • chance to dodge when critically injured (critically injured = below 20% of HP).

Offensive [CLICK]:
  • chance to drain health (converts part of damage dealt into HP and heals the player),
  • chance to drain mana (converts part of damage dealt into mana and restores player resources; the amount of mana taken cannot exceed the cost of the skill used; reduced effectiveness in PvP),
  • chance to drain stamina (converts part of damage dealt into stamina and restores player resources; the amount of stamina taken cannot exceed the cost of the skill used; reduced effectiveness in PvP),
  • deal bonus damage to normal mobs,
  • deal bonus damage to champions,
  • deal bonus damage to bosses,
  • deal bonus damage when critically injured (critically injured = below 20% of HP),
  • higher chance to hit after a miss (increases the chance until a successful hit),
  • chance to penetrate holm (reduces the chance for the effect to work),
  • chance to penetrate farid (reduces the chance for the effect to work),
  • chance for a stronger critical hit (increases the chance for the x3 critical hit instead of the x2 one).

Each effect will be applied from only one piece of gear. This means that equipping two pieces of gear that provide bonus gold will not double the modifier. Instead, only the higher one will be applied.

Transferring and combining orbs
If a player wants a particular effect, they need to loot a piece of gear that has it and then either equip it or transfer the orb onto their own gear.

Warning! Orbs cannot be extracted, they do not exist outside of gear and are not bound to a player. However, you can transfer them between gear. This means that you need two pieces of gear - one with the orb and another to transfer the orb to. Once transferred, orbs aren’t lost - they simply swap places.

Orbs will also vary in size depending on the rank of the equipment. The division works similarly as for drifs (sub, bi, magni, arch) and “inserting” is also similar (a smaller orb can be transferred to a piece of gear of a higher rank, but not vice versa). This means that, for example, rank IX equipment may drop with either magniorbs or suborbs, and that both suborbs and magniorbs can be transferred to it.

In addition to that, you will have the option of combining orbs - if you have equipment with a suborb whose rank allows for a biorb, then by combining it with four other pieces of gear that have a suborb, you can enhance the orb in your own gear. However, this process destroys the orbs, leaving the other pieces of gear empty.

Orb improvement
As you probably expect, the larger the orb, the better the effect. But that's not all - orbs will also have levels, three for each size, except for suborbs, which cannot be improved (they have only one level).

Leveling up orbs will not work the same as for drifs - they can only be improved by visiting a shopkeeper and using a certain number of items called daimonites. You will be able to acquire them from instances on the path of challenge and everybody who has defeated the boss will be guaranteed to get them. Daimonites will not be tradable.

In addition to that, the level of incrustation will also affect orbs - starting at silver I, gear will gain an extra effect that empowers orbs.

Other new features and changes
Apart from the orbs, the update will also feature more instances with additional difficulty levels. This time, the following bosses will receive them:

1. Path of discovery and challenge:

  • Commander
  • Mantis and Tiger
  • Valdarog
  • Aqua Regis

2. Path of challenge:

  • Toad
  • Mahet and Tarul.

As always, we will also fix some bugs and add some minor features.

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