Greetings, Taernians!
Just two more days and we’ll start celebrating 3 years of unforgettable adventures in Broken Ranks! We were working really hard but the end result was certainly worth it, especially that so many changes and updates were met with a positive response. We’re glad we managed to implement most of the things planned for 2024 but, to be honest, our drawers with ideas are still full to the brim, so this is just the beginning ;)
Soon, you’ll learn more but for now… let’s raise our glasses to Broken Ranks and its wonderful community!
Summary of last year in Broken Ranks
Oh yes, a lot happened during last year! And since some of you might not be entirely up-to-date with everything we did, we’ll take you for a short trip down the memory lane ;)
Most importantly, it was the time of epics 2.0 - in April, legends became reality and you started the process of crafting the most powerful weapons in Broken Ranks. Next came the system of daily and weekly challenges that enriched everyday gameplay and provided extra rewards and bonuses. And, of course, we can’t forget about the improvements to the loot system which ensured that the assignment of gear and artifacts from opponents was more fair. Also, we’re sure all our Archers are happy with their reworked abilities!
Apart from that, we brought you Community Updates which, much to our delight, were met with a very positive response. We implemented two such updates, mostly focused on suggestions that you so readily shared on our Discord. With them, we implemented almost one hundred of your ideas into the game! We’re very thankful for all of them!
At the same time, we were working on the mobile version of Broken Ranks. A lot of closed tests are behind us but, thanks to them, we implemented many improvements and fixes. However, the true milestone was the tech launch in the Philipines (although some of you, tricksters, found their way there, too, how was it? ;) ). We’re not slowing down and hope that we’ll be able to share more good information with you!
Birthday statistics
We have a handful of numbers for you that should interest every Taernian. You can see them in the infographics below:
Free premium for everyone!
Let’s celebrate together! If you are an active player (meaning you logged in during the previous 30 days), you’ll get 7 days of free premium. If you already have premium, the duration will be extended by 7 days.
What about the others? Everyone who hasn’t logged in within the last 30 days will receive a link to activate the bonus in a mail. The bonus premium will be added on January 25th.
There’s also something for newcomers - if you want to taste the adventure and are planning to take your first steps in Broken Ranks, now is a great time for that. You can also get 7 days of premium account for a good start. All you need to do is enter this code during registration: HVAR.
Khold birthday
I’m sure you remember perfectly well (or not ;) ) what happens when you drink too much khold moonshine, right? Also, a good fight is something that our friends from Khemenak overjoyed. What if we combined these two… Well, new tables are brought to the Rockburst every day. Fight like a Taernian, celebrate like a khold.
Go to the nearest Barker (the NPCs can be found in all major hubs - Trentis, Alaril, Khemenak, Thalia, the Garrison, and Beirn) to get more information. You’ll receive tokens (chips) needed to take part in the celebration. The Barkers will take you to the Dive where Gzergr will take over and let you know what the rules are.
*Remember that Khold Birthday is a quest, so it’ll be added to the quest tab of your character (don’t forget to look there).
Start: January 24th (Friday) at 12 PM CET
End: January 31st (Friday) at 12 PM CET
Permanent discounts
We have a special attraction for all the fans of skins. On January 23rd, we’ll begin a big, permanent discount on cosmetic items! You’ll be able to buy most of the skins available in the store at a lower price. We hope that you’ve some extra platinum stashes away for an occasion such as this. ;)
Other attractions
That’s not all, because:
- On January 27th at 12 PM CET, we’ll increase the spawn rate of platinum chests. The increased spawn rate will last until January 30th at 12 PM CET.
- On January 30th at 8 PM CET, we’ll reset the cooldowns for all difficulties of Selena and Aqua Regis as well as the price of the Time Crystal, Ring of Transportation, Crampons, and Reinforced Crampons.
- On January 31st and February 1st, between 7 PM and 9 PM CET, we’ll organize Happy Hours – the amount of experience and psychoexperience gained will be increased (if a tournament is at the same time as the HH, it'll be moved to the end of the list).
Thank you for being with us! We wish you awesome loot and may your epics turn into legends! And most importantly: have fun! ;)