Can you feel the love in the air? The fragrance of perfume, the exquisite food, the piles of sweets, and of course the citizens hurrying about their businesses as if the devil himself was chasing them. Something’s coming…
The celebration of love is drawing ever closer and every one of you, no matter if you’ve already found your soulmate or are still looking, is invited to the party. And there’s no better place for dances, feasts, and gifts than de Vries Estate - let’s have some fun!
You are invited to yet another Broken Ranks Valentine’s Day Party! The mini event features a quest that you’ll be able to do between 10 AM* on Tuesday, February 14th and 10 AM* on Tuesday, February 21st. We want the people who can’t visit our world every day to also have a chance to take part in the fun and get the rewards.
*MSK for Pavar and Naravar, BRT for Thaas, CET for all other servers
If you didn’t participate in the event last year or simply your memory fails you, here’s a handy instruction with the most important details about the mini event.
How to take part in the event?
All you need to do is talk to the Administrator of de Vries Estate. He’d gladly let you take part in the celebration, but… he’s shorthanded. Someone will have to help him organize everything and this someone is going to be you ;) After performing a simple task, you’ll get further instructions.
Administrator: “There'll be a Valentine's Day party at de Vries Estate. Anyone can come, but you have to help organize it”.
Administrators for levels 15-49 can be found at:
- Hamlet near Trentis
- Fishermen Village,
- Lesgar’s Inn,
- the Bough in the Khold Forest.
Administrators for levels 50-140 can be found at:
- Khemenak,
- Garrison,
- Beirn.
WARNING: You can take part in the event only with one character from your account.
The main reward is the Valentine’s Day helmet skin called Affection. You can get it only by completing the event quest. The Master of Ceremonies will give it to you (the helmet won’t be available in the premium store).
*You can only get one skin per account.
That’s not all. If you talk to the Quartermaster during the quest, you’ll get even more prizes.
Characters level 15-49 will be able to get:
- upgrade flasks,
- psycho exp,
- essences,
- Emperors,
- pet experience.
Characters level 50-140 will be able to get:
- upgrade flasks,
- dviggs,
- reols,
- psycho exp,
- Emperors
- pet experience
Premium skins
We are also adding an event cape skin (Allure) to the Premium Store. Together with the helmet and other pieces that will be parts of future Valentine’s Day parties, they will constitute a new, unique set.
As always, even new Taernian recruits will be able to buy the gear skins from the previous years in the Premium Store.
*This year’s event cape skin and the previous skins will be available in the shop from 10 AM* on February 14th to 10 AM* February 28th.
**MSK for Pavar and Naravar, BRT for Thaas, CET for all other servers
Profess your love with Valentine’s Day letters
For a time, the administrators of the game will become Cupids who will give the world of Broken Ranks the beautiful words that you want to convey to the people you care about. All you need to do is write an in-game letter up to 250 characters long to one of the characters handling the mail (you can find the list of nicks below). Unfortunately, we may not be able to deliver all of them… You know how the post works ;) However, from the letters we receive, we’ll choose some and send them to every player via the announcement system.
Here’s a list of characters you can send the letters to:
Thanar: Walentyna
Kadarin: ŚwValenty
Izin: Walentynkowy
Rylia: DeessedelAmourFR
Thaas: DeusaDoAmor
Dramon: SaintOfLove
Kahiris: LiebesGott
Thalia: GodOfLoveTH
Pavar: СвВалентин
Naravar: БогЛюбви
You can send the letter from now until 5:30 PM*** on February 14th.
*Offensive, toxic, and too long messages will not be accepted (the limit is 250 characters).
**In the letter, let us know if you want us to include your nick in the announcement.
***MSK for Pavar and Naravar, BRT for Thaas, CET for all other servers
That’s not all…
In addition to that, as part of the celebration, we’ll increase the amount of experience and psychoexperience (gear experience) gained on February 14th between 10AM* and 12PM*, and between 9PM* and 11PM*. Also, we’ll increase the spawn rate of platinum chests between 10AM* on February 18th to 10PM* on February 19th.
*MSK for Pavar and Naravar, BRT for Thaas, CET for all other servers
Gift for your soulmate
Apart from the skins and prizes, we thought it’d be a good idea to let you get something you can give to someone else, e.g. a bouquet of flowers. During the quest, you’ll be able to get a love letter and a bouquet of red roses that you can give to someone you like (you can find them inside the Estate).
Have fun!