Date: 17.07.2024, 10:30 AM CEST.
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
New quests and areas in Thalia:
- Added a new sidequest - Precursor. It can be started by speaking with Mirodan in the Remnant Hideout and requires level 57.
- Added a new sidequest - Until Death Do Us Unite. It can be started by speaking with Shaggy in the Remnant Hideout and requires level 58.
- Added a new daily quest - Intruders. It can be started by speaking with Mirodan in the Remnant Hideout and requires level 65.
- Added four new accessible areas: Basement, First Floor, and Second Floor of the University, Remnant Workshop, and one quest-related area: Ebos’ Workshop.
Changes and fixes for daily and weekly challenges:
- Changed the way the daily challenge rewards bonus is reset - the bonus will not be lost entirely after one day of not completing the challenges. Instead, it will be gradually reduced until it reaches 0: after 1 day of not completing the challenges, it is reduced by 1 level, 3 (1+2) levels after 2 days, and 6 (1+2+3) levels after 3 days.
- Changed the number of keys gained for completing instance-related challenges - increased the number for easy and normal instances (to 2 and 5 keys respectively), reduced for hard instances (to 15 keys).
- Changed the challenges related to killing bosses - now killing a harder version of the boss will count towards challenges requiring you to kill an easier version (the reward remains unchanged). If you have multiple challenges to kill the same boss but from different paths, the harder challenge will be completed first.
- Changed the cost of rerolling weekly challenges - the cost will now scale with the number of keys the challenge provides.
- Added a fourth boss instance challenge.
- Changed the way weekly buffs are claimed - now no buffs will be selected by default (so that players do not accidentally claim the ones selected by default).
- Added an immediately visible key number to the weekly challenges window.
- Added a notification to the side panel if a challenge is complete and the player does not have the challenge tab open.
- Removed the possibility of having to find a weekly challenge chest inside the Harblud Courtyard and the de Vries Estate.
- Added all ice bosses to all difficulty levels of challenges related to defeating them.
- Added a compass to the challenges “Find a chest” and “Complete a daily quest”.
- Added Dmorther (in addition to Beirn) to the “Defeat elites” challenge in high level ranges.
- Changed the amounts required for challenge completion for some challenges.
- Removed some Path of Challenge bosses from the following pools: Garthmog in the 55-69 level range, Mantis and Tiger in the 70-89 level range, Construct and Tit in the 90-109 level range.
- Changed the challenges “buff a character” and “debuff an opponent” - if an effect is added and then added again while the first instance is still active, it will not count towards the challenge.
- Changed the challenge “defeat an opponent alone” to “defeat an opponent without the help of another player” - this means that any fights with pets will now count towards the challenge.
- Changed the challenge “dispel yourself or an ally” - only dispelling negative effects will count towards the challenge.
- Changed the way challenges requiring you to deal damage-over-time work - they will now require you to debuff your opponents with damage-over-time effects.
- Replaced the challenge “deal damage-over-time” with “take away APs” in the druid challenge pool.
- Replaced the challenge “restore stamina” with a challenge requiring players to buff characters with Invigoration or Spring of Nature in the druid challenge pool.
- Added a challenge to the Voodoo challenge pool requiring players to increase resource costs of opponents.
- Fixed the challenge “drain mana from an opponent” - the mana that was taken away but not added due to full resources was not counted towards the challenge.
- Fixed a bug that took away access to tasks after their completion - mostly tasks given to players after completing a quest (e.g. Dangerous Highway or Icy Research).
- Added a new daily challenge for the 70-89 level range requiring players to complete the daily quest “Intruders.
- Fixed a bug causing gold from main daily and weekly rewards to not count towards the “earn gold” challenge.
- Miscellaneous changes to balance, mechanics, and texts.
Other changes and fixes:
- Added markers to the world map indicating the objectives of daily challenges and tasks.
- Added a safeguard against no profession being rolled in the Tarul instance - if the mechanism does not choose any, it will reroll after a couple of seconds.
- Added the option to exchange Legendary Daimonite for regular Daimonite in batches of 10 and 100.
- Fixed the reward of additional Daimonites in the Tarul instance on the Path of Challenge - if a player is not currently creating a legend, they will loot regular Daimonite instead of Legendary Daimonite.
- Fixed a bug causing the cooldown not to reset at 4 AM if the cooldown was assigned to a pet (in the “Training” quest).
- Fixed a bug causing additional resources from the guild and weekly buffs not to be displayed after relogging (it looked as if the player’s resources were not full).
- Fixed a bug in the daily quest “Falconer” that allowed players to reroll eggs until they got an uncracked one (by trading Gabrielle with another player during this stage).
- Fixed a bug making the Gate to the Death Incarnate stunnable.
- Conversion of Daimonite gained in the period between the announcement of the changes in the legend crafting process and the implementation of them to Legendary Daimonite. Only Daimonite of players who had the legend crafting process active at that point will be converted. The amount of converted Daimonite will be proportional to the amount of Daimonite the player could get in the aforementioned period from Path of Challenge instances. We will also provide a 30% bonus.
- Miscellaneous changes to graphics, mechanics, and code.