Implemented: 13.02.2022 at 2PM CET
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
- Added the Valentine’s Day event together with the quest Valentine’s Day party. The quest can be completed only once per account.
- Added a thematic skin set - Valentine’s Day skins. You can get the boots through the quest, the rest of the set is available through the premium store.
- The event will last a week from February 14th at 10AM CET to February 21st at 10AM CET. The skins will be available in the shop until the end of the event.
- Modified the skins system for unique and premium skins. From now on, you can put skins on pieces of gear multiple times without the need to morph and without losing the gear piece. Looted or bought items are not part of this system - you’ll still have to use a morph for them. More information on skins can be found in the skins tab of the premium store if you hover over the “i” icon.
- Fixed an error with premium face features not being saved on characters.
- Fixed a bug with the display of offered gold after clicking Cancel during trading which allowed players to cheat the person they were trading with.
- Fixed a bug with Barbarian’s Anger Shockwave which caused it to ignore the damage and type of the equipped weapon.
- Fixed the /info command.
- Fixed the guild and hunters ranking.
- Blocked the possibility to click Merge in the synergetics tab if there’s not enough gold.
- Fixed an error allowing players to write on the Team chat.
- Added the ability to pay for platinum with SMS for Polish players.
- Added the ability to sell Time Crystals to the Glanachain Inspector.
- Pressing the M key will now open and close the world map and can’t be bound to any other functionality.
- Fixed mapping before Mahet in Tarul’s instance so that one of the groups cannot be skipped.
- Fixed the aggressiveness of Rabid Lempos near the entrance to Beirn.
- Change the revive place for the region with Mountain Cats. The new place is before the Cats on the side of the Plateau.
- Mountain Orcs on the Ridge will now spawn faster.
- Added information about the price of synergetics to the shop.
- Fixed the place players were landing at when exiting the deposit in the Garrison.
- Fixed the description of the Explorer set.
- Added a new body armor skin for the winners of the cosplay competition during Taercon 2021 - Plague Armor.
- Added a new cape skin for the participants of Closed Beta 1 - Cape of the Taernian Exemplar.
- Added visual improvements for the armor from the Black Guard, White Guard, Emerald Guard, and Representative sets.
- Added visual improvements to Volcano so that it looks better with Meanders.
- Changed the mysticism icon to the right one.
- Changed the graphics of Double Bone and Wooden Cane in the shop so that they better reflect what you can see on your character.
- Fixed the size of Wendigo on the map.
- Fixed a graphical error causing a “mustache” to appear for male characters in dialogues.
- Changed the model of the Wizard Guardsman to the right one.
- Added some graphics to items visible in the backpack.
- Added an animation to the dead Mr. Spider in Crossing the Cross-Spider.
- Fixed the animation of creating a cell in the second hall in the quest Deconstruction.
- Minor visual and text updates.