Date: 19.01.2023, 12 PM CET
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
- You can now show/hide the list of quests and PvP tasks in the main UI.
- You can now add items to favorites on the marketplace.
- You can now clear the history of bought and archived offers on the marketplace.
- Added a marker to mobs that players cannot attack (e.g. those from another player’s task).
- The sequence of pets in the main UI has been reversed - the pet in the first slot will be the leftmost one, etc.
- Added resource regeneration after taking back pets or reviving them - pets will always have full resources.
- Added an achievement for opening platinum chests.
- Added separators to the window where you deposit currencies and resources to the guild.
- Changed the color of the information about being overencumbered in combat summary to red.
- Losses on death will also be visible in the side notifications, not only on the cards.
- Preparations for the birthday event.
- UI fixes and improvements.
- Added a unique appearance to Dissolver (so that it is different from Skogan).
- New NPC avatars.
- Fixes and new animations for some mobs.
- Improved the visibility of random debuffs and resistances in the Morana instance.
- Graphical fixes to the UI, mobs, NPCs, maps, and gear.
- DQ Coconuting - extended the time after which coconuts despawn, increased the distance at which a gorilla can spawn, fixed an error allowing players to deposit multiple coconuts with one click.
- DQ Common Tongue - fixed an error causing lack of player dialogue if they were on cooldown.
- DQ Trainer - Rasps can once again spawn from the last cage.
- Urgrim’s Scepter - fixed a bug allowing players to kill a certain group an infinite number of times.
- Other minor fixes to quests.
- Fixed an error causing numbers to replace random texts (e.g. equipment weight shown as the name of the quest).
- Performance optimization.(part 1) - improved map loading speed on slower PCs in crowded locations, fixed the biggest memory leaks (this will allow for longer play sessions without the need to restart the game).
- Fixed a bug causing knowledge requirements to be incorrectly calculated (having 99% to cast a buff despite having the right amount of knowledge).
- Fixed bugged Lugus resistances.
- Fixed a bug in the level 100 sets - lack of charge bars, looting discharged ones.
- Fixed a bug causing the faction chat to not remember visibility settings.
- Fixed a bug causing the initial message on the faction chat to be invisible.
- Fixed a bug in the Top PvP and Faction rankings - sometimes the old Hunter and Killer rankings would show, previous faction icon still being visible after faction change, rank names obscuring the number of killed Unionists (changed to the faction icon), peace time ranking being shown by default instead of the one for the current season.
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect display of peaceful mode in the PvP window if a player attacks someone in a white area with peaceful mode on.
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect display of peaceful mode and countdown in the PvP window after leaving a faction.
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect display of peaceful mode in the PvP window after the mode change cooldown.
- Fixed a bug causing a loss of PvP points when joining a dishonorable fight - the points were lost even if the player didn’t join combat.
- Fixed a bug causing a loss of PvP points when joining the defending party in a dishonorable fight - the fight will be treated as dishonorable only for the attacking side.
- Fixed a bug allowing players to bypass the mode change cooldown by leaving a faction and joining another one during peace time - players can no longer leave a faction when on cooldown.
- PvP points will no longer be lost for dishonorable attacks and fleeing in instances.
- Fixed a bug causing the PvP shop to be inaccessible after joining a faction (the shop would unlock the next day).
- Fixed a bug causing the requirements for the PvP task Local Conflict to be invisible.
- Fixed a bug causing PvP tasks to be invisible if a player relogged from a factionless character to a character with a faction that did not have any visible quests.
- Fixed a bug causing the protection after map loading to be applied incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug with misaligned UI and pet avatars in the send back menu.
- Fixed a critical error occurring when moving pet bands from one slot to the other.
- Fixed a bug causing the tabs other and event to not be remembered when closing and opening the achievements window.
- Fixed a bug causing mechanisms to become visible when changing graphics quality.
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect display of % when upgrading a rank VII item with the Corundine Inhibitor.
- Fixed a bug causing the reason for a kick to be “(enter reason)” if no reason was entered.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Fixes and improvements for various texts.