Date: 13.09.2023, 10:30 AM
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
Gear balancing:
- Added orbs - new gear effects always present on newly-acquired gear. More about this mechanic in this article.
- New options at shopkeepers - combining orbs, leveling up orbs, transferring orbs. Leveling up and combining orbs, as well as incrustation, affect the bonus provided by the orb.
- Bonuses from leveling up and combining orbs (hereinafter: “bonus_orb”) are:
a. Suborb - level 1: 0%,
b. Biorb - level 1: +30%, level 2: +36%, level 3: +45%,
c. Magniorb - level 1: +70%, level 2: +84%, level 3: +105%,
d. Arcyorb - level 1: +150%, level 2: +180%, level 3: +225%.
- Added the bonus “orb enhancement” (hereinafter: “bonus_incrustation”) to the gear incrustation bonuses - it can be found on every piece of gear for players starting at silver I. The value is, subsequently: +5%, +10%, +20%, +30%, +50%, +75%.
- The formula for the final value of the bonus is as follows: base value x (1 + bonus_orb + bonus_incrustation) where “base value” is the value for a suborb.
For example: a player has the orb “Bonus experience” at Magni at level 3 on a piece of gear at gold II.
Its bonus will be equal to: 5% x (1 + 105% + 50%) = 5% x 2,55 = 12,75%.
- Orb values for each size and level (excluding incrustation bonus) can be found in this table: [LINK].
- Adjusted the droprate of each orb in gear depending on the gear rank and instance type: [LINK].
- Path of challenge instances will now provide a new item used for leveling up orbs - daimonite. The droprate is 100% for each party member present at the death of the boss. Tables: number of diamonites lootable from bosses - [LINK], number required to level up an orb - [LINK].
- Normalized the bonus attributes provided by upgrades - the “old” upgrades from before the changes to gear ranks will now provide the same number of attributes as is possible with the current system.
- Added a bonus to the attributes provided by upgrading for gear ranks I-III - at +9 or higher, the gear will receive 2 attribute points instead of 1.
- Added defensive and offensive orbs to the Might formula - the number of points depends on their power, universal orbs do not count towards Might.
Boss instances:
- Added additional difficulty levels for the following bosses: Commander, Mantis and Tiger, Valdarog, Aqua Regis, Toad (path of challenge only), Mahet and Tarul (path of challenge only).
- Changes to the Commander instance: increased experience from most mobs in the instance, decreased gold from the boss and added a gold reward for completing the event at the Cabins deck, changed the number of mobs in the eating and sleeping parties from 1 to 3, changed the number of Eating Utorians to kill from 10 to 12, Utorian Giant will no longer cast Face of Death, decreased the level of Commander’s Energy Spike.
- Changes to the Aqua instance: the instance is now entered through a passage (instead of a dialogue), staves are now taken away when entering and leaving the instance, at level two it will not be possible to generate new symbols if the right party has been summoned, slightly decreased the droprate of legendary gear and epics to compensate for the additional instance levels (each path will have a separate entry cooldown).
- Changes to the Valdarog instance: added gold to the boss, decreased the number of mobs in parties outside of the instance proper.
- Changed the way Journeyman Glyphs are taken when entering Tarul’s instance - the glyphs will be taken from every member of the party, not just the leader.
- New AI for Mantis.
- Changed the party type to champion for Admiral’s officers and Sidraga’s chosen.
- Miscellaneous changes and fixes.
Changes to gold and psychoexperience assignment in a party:
- Changes to the bonus for extra party members (bonus for party size):
a. psychoexperience: changed from the constant 40% to 60% per player and 40% per pet,
b. gold: added a bonus of 15% per player and 5% per pet (new feature).
- Limited the bonus for party size to 80% of the highest level in the party. The presence of characters below 80% of the highest level in the party decreases the bonus as follows:
Example 1: if a player level 100 joins a player level 50, the bonus for party size will be +23,4% (0.60*(50/100/0.8)*(50/100/0.8) = ~0.234 = +23,4%).
Example 2: if a player level 100 joins a player level 80-100, the bonus will be +60%
This means that the lower the difference between levels in a party, the higher the value of the bonus (similarly to normal experience). The total psychoexperience and gold calculated this way is then divided between party members according to their share based on the character level ratio. The consequences of this change will be an increase in psychoexperience and gold gained for parties composed of players at a similar level and limiting the “boost” to rewards provided by low level players or pets.
- Removed reward psychoexperience and gold penalty for dying and fleeing - players will get the same amount of psychoexperience and gold no matter how many slots they take. In addition to that, the calculation is based on the number of players (and/or pets) taking part in the fight (this means that if a player does not make it back to rejoin the party, the psychoexperience and gold acquired will calculated as if the player were present).
- Changes to the base psychoexperience and gold resulting from the change in the formula and/or game balance (warning! a decrease to the base psychoexperience or gold means that only solo players and small parties will receive less, full parties will receive a comparable amount or even more than currently):
a. Decreased base psychoexperience: Sidraga mobs, Tarul and Mahet, Morana and Lugus, Valdarog, Tit (paths of discovery and adventure only),
b. Increased base psychoexperience: Admiral (path of challenge only), Aqua Regis, Construct v2, Ivravul,
c. Decreased base gold: Tarul and Mahet, Morana and Lugus, Admiral, Angvalf-Htaga, Vidvar, Trolls on the Frozen Lake,
d. Increased base gold: Nidhogg (paths of discovery and adventure only), Vough.
- Added new weapon skins to the premium store.
- Fixes and new animations for some mobs.
- New NPC and mob avatars.
- Minor fixes to gear and other game elements.
- Added the option to display more detailed percentages in combat (one decimal place) - it can be enabled in the game settings.
- Changed the moment blood is displayed over the avatar on the map and added the display in combat - the blood appears when the character is critically injured (20% HP - this is where all the “critically injured” effects start working).
- The spawn rate of fanatics will now increase proportionally to the number of players in Morana’s Courtyard.
- Added the following information to boss instances: lootable gear, duration, droprate bonus for levels and droprate reduction for pets - you can see it after mousing over the instance icon in the upper portion of the screen.
- Removed the death card that takes away gear for characters up to level 50.
- Increased the base resource regeneration rate for mobs above level 50 to 10%.
- Fixed an error making it possible to loot magnidrifs from Ghadira on the path of challenge.
- Minor UI fixes (mostly in shops).
- Fixed some minor errors in quests.
- Fixes and additions to various texts in the game.