Date: 28.06.2023, 09:30 AM CEST
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
Gear overhaul:
- Added new mechanics: shattering, incrustation, reforging (available at the shops). You can find more details about them in the articles: here and here. Values for the processes: shattering - number of shards obtained (link1, link2), incrustation - additional gear attributes (link), shards required (link).
- Changed existing gear to the new ornament system - gear without stars will start at bronze I, gear with stars will be changed as follows: 1-3 stars - changed to bronze I and, for 2 or 3 stars, some shards will be returned to the backpack or deposit, 4 stars - changed to silver I, 5 stars - changed to silver III.
- Shop UI: graphical changes and fixes, added the new mechanics and implemented some fixes for the old ones, the buying and selling interfaces can now be found in the same window.
- Miscellaneous changes and fixes.
Additional difficulty levels of instances and loot:
- Added additional difficulty levels for the following bosses: Elemental Specters, Geomorph, Garthmog, Fyodor and GMO, Vidvar, Vough, Nidhogg (both easy and hard), Morana and Lugus (only hard).
- Increased the base critical hit chance for mobs in all hard instances.
- Graphical changes and a new crossing system - you can enter an instance by holding a mouse button on the chosen option from the dropdown list that will be displayed after clicking the crossing, the interface for a boss instance crossing will contain details of the instance (entry cost, requirements, loot, suggested level, levels with decreased loot chance). For now, the new system works only for direct crossings. The information will not be displayed if the instance is entered in some other way (conversation or mechanism).
- Added lootable items that allow players to enter hard instances. They can be looted from most bosses in the game. Having enough of them makes it possible to enter a hard boss from a given pool. The pools are divided by the rank of gear that can be obtained (the division is the same as for upgrade flasks): Track of Unrest (I-III), Track of Dread (IV-VI), Track of Fright (VII-IX), Track of Terror (X-XII).
- Changed the way loot chance decreases with character level - added more thresholds, changed the maximum decrease from 60% to 40%. Due to this, the loot chance for all bosses in the game has been increased. You can find more details for each boss in the table here.
- Adjusted the loot chance of gear with various ornament numbers depending on the instance.
- Added separate achievements for easy and hard bosses.
- Miscellaneous changes and fixes.
- Added the sidequest The Invincible - you can take it from Talliard in the Garrison if you are level 86 or higher.
- Added new weapon skins: Soulcatcher (staff), Golden Claw (staff), Alavris (bow), Melavir (bow), Baselards (knuckle-dusters), Blade of the Fallen (two-handed sword), Ramdao (two-handed sword), Sapphirine Labrys (two-handed axe), Skullsmasher (two-handed hammer), Serpent Blade (sword), Orendis (axe), Sovereign (hammer), Shield of the New Moon (shield) , Shield of the Full Moon (shield).
- Graphical changes and fixes to various elements of the game.
- New avatars.
- Pets can now flee in purple areas - only applicable if there are no more players in combat.
- New AI for the Elemental Specters.
- Items can no longer be used in someone else’s Selena instance.
- Mutes can now also apply to the private chat.
- Changed the gear type from Legendary to Quest for rank I Legendary gear (e.g. Hadras, Ibura).
- Fixed bugs related to exploration - the lack of progress in some elements, missing elements, and display of unachievable elements (mostly alternative quest paths).
- Fixed a bug causing more than one Lugus to spawn in Beirn dungeons per week.
- Fixed a bug preventing the entrance to the Fort in the prologue from appearing.
- Fixed a bug causing the weekly PvP reward to have incorrect psychoexperience values.
- Miscellaneous optimization fixes.
- Fixes to other, minor bugs.