Date: 06.06.2024, 10:00 AM CEST.
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
Hello, Taernians!
Today’s update’s most important feature is definitely the addition of the previously announced daily and weekly challenges. If you haven’t done so already, take a look at this article. Apart from that, we have a handful of changes and fixes for you. Read on!
Daily and weekly challenges:
- Added daily and weekly challenges available at level 20 and 30 respectively. Full windows with all the information you need can be found in the quests tab in the upper portion of the main UI. A summary of challenges is available from the side panel (the one where quest objectives are shown).
- Added new buffs as rewards for completing weekly challenges: bolstered offense, bolstered defense, bonus AP, increased rewards, unrestricted resting, lucky death, bonus backpack capacity, free drif extraction, and the following items: daily challenges reset (temporarily does not reset the ‘Ethereal Lamps’ task to not affect the execution time of the first Legends, this will be changed in a future update), cooldown reset.
- Added keyboard shortcuts for the challenges window.
- Added achievements for the daily and weekly challenges.
- UI fixes and changes related to the implementation of challenges.
Other changes and new features:
Take up the challenge and earn rewards! In the meantime, take a look at some other changes and check them out in the game yourselves. One of the bigger ones is a transition from a cooldown-based system to a daily reset system for most activities and boss entry item pickups. This means that these activities won’t have different cooldowns and will always reset at 4 AM server time.
Moreover, we tweaked the Ivravul, Draugul, and Tit instances a little. In the first two, we decided to rebalance the difficulty level between the boss and the orc mage, and also introduce some mechanics to improve the farming experience (you will no longer need to check the backpack if you have all the items ;)). In addition to that, we decreased the entry cost for Ivravul. As for Tit, we changed the place where you are taken after exiting the instance and increased its profitability (so that Path of Adventure is still worse than Path of Adventure Construct, but it’s better than Path of Discovery Construct).
Apart from that, we also made other changes. Here’s the complete list:
- Cooldowns will always reset at 4 AM server time if they were previously at least or almost 24 hours. If the cooldown was not divisible by 24 hours, we made further adjustments. Cooldown resets will now be as follows - daily quests (temporarily with the exception of the ‘Ethereal Lamps’ task so as not to affect the execution time of the first Legends, this will be changed in a future update), Reinforced Crampons, Time Crystal: every day at 4 AM, Aqua Regis and Selena: every Monday at 4 AM, Crampons: every 3 days at 4 AM, Ring of Transportation, Selena’s Temptation: every 2 days at 4 AM. Warning! If any of the aforementioned activities are on cooldown for you when the update is introduced, the cooldowns will remain unchanged (e.g. if a player entered Aqua Regis before the update on Wednesday at 1 PM, they will be able to enter it again only on Wednesday at 1 PM the following week, but subsequent cooldown resets will happen always on Mondays at 4 AM).
- Changes to the Ivravul and Draugul instances: lowered the difficulty of the spectral orc and uruk mages, increased the difficulty of the boss, the screen will now shake and the walls will now disappear when all four items are collected, items to collect will now be bigger, the cost to enter Ivravul has been lowered to one flask instead of two.
- Changes to the Tit instance: changes the place players are taken after exiting the instance - they will be taken to the instance entrance instead of the Garrison, adding regular gear to the drop, increasing rewards in tracks, psycho-experience and gold, increasing the droprate of drifs and Journeyman Glyphs.
- Changed the way the Rip Potion (entry item for Heurokratos) is bought - instead of requiring five minor flaks of the same type, it will now require five minor flasks of any type.
- Changed the dialogues related to the pickup of the Ring of Transportation, Reinforced Crampons, and Time Crystal so that it is easier to buy more than one at the same time - the dialogue with the pickup will take you immediately to the dialogue where you can buy one more entry item - you will be able to buy it then or resign.
- Decreased slashing resistances of Giants, replaced the party of Frost Giant Shaman and Yeti with the party of 2x Frost Giant, slightly modified spawns on the Mountainside.
- Changed the strength and duration of the Ominous Aura debuff so that it is closer in power level to Shadow Aura. Due to this, the ability levels in the AI of mobs using Ominous Aura or Shadow Aura have been adjusted.
- Removed the level requirement for buying Emperors.
- Added four new houses in Trentis and moved the placement of some quests there.
- Updated the level-dependent limits of experience that can be gained in a single fight (they were too low in relation to the possibilities players currently have in the game) and expanded the system until level 140. The change is a security measure in case of exploits and should have no bearing on normal gameplay.
- New appearance of epics in the backpack that better reflect the way they look when equipped.
- Buffs that confer psychoproperties are now included in the characters Might calculation (e.g. resources usage from the guild temple).
- Updated the reward for the Tournament League - the “Orion” skin.
- Fixed a bug occurring when a player defended against a mental attack thanks to resistances and killed the mob in the same round - in the next fight, the mob would have an increased chance to hit with a mental attack as if the player already defended a mental attack with the smoke effect.
- Fixed a bug causing the bonuses from extra AP and cheat fate in the sets for level 100 to be excluded from Might calculation.
- Fixed the size of gear and item images shown when using the search feature of the marketplace (some of them were, e.g. clearly too big).
- Fixed bugs related to eye effects on the player avatar (e.g. there was a mismatch with some eye shapes).
- Fixed the mechanisms in the Sidraga instance: added a delay to the next button after clicking two of them (so that players do not summon the wrong pair), removed the possibility of a party of the Anointed remaining in the instance after the fireplace stage is complete.
- Fixed a bug causing an expired offer on the marketplace to not be returned to the deposit.
- Miscellaneous fixes for mechanisms, graphics, animations, dialogues, and UI.