Date: 20.12.2024, 10:00 AM CET.
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
Changes to the Winter Event:
- Limited the possibility to exchange hats and stars for gold with New Year - players will only be able to do so when they don’t have enough resources to buy or open presents.
- Changed the rewards from presents: [LINK].
- Made it possible to open Baubles at NPCs with level lower than 20 (required level changed to suggested level).
- Added psychoexperience to all mobs except for the easiest ones.
- Increased the droprate of hats and stars from all mobs except for the hardest ones.
- Santa's Bigger Helpers and Snegurocheks will now spawn in the University District.
- Increased the number of the hardest mobs in Beirn and adjusted their respawn rate.
- Trivial, easy, and hard tasks will no longer ask players to kill free-range mobs.
- Decreased the HP of Secretary's Assistant.
- Miscellaneous changes.
Cost adjustment for opening and buying presents:
- Bauble - opening: 12k gold or 400 hats/stars, buying: 2,5k hats/stars.
- Trifle - opening: 50k gold or 1 platinum or 2k hats/stars, buying: 9k hats/stars.
- Gift - opening: 125k gold or 3 platinum or 5k hats/stars, buying: 18k hats/stars.
- Present - opening: 200k gold or 5 platinum or 8,5k hats/stars, buying: 25k hats/stars.
- Set - opening: 350k gold or 8 platinum or 15k hats/stars, buying: 40k hats/stars.
- Collection - opening: 500k gold or 12 platinum or 22,5k hats/stars, buying: 70k hats/stars.
- Changed the way experience, psychoexperience, and gold are shared between party members - the game will now take into account Might instead of level. The reason for this is that the level-based system went out-of-date as the development of the game progressed - currently, there may be significant differences in power between characters of the same level (especially in the endgame) and the strongest characters are substantially more powerful than the average ones. This created an unwanted situation where the high level players were providing “taxi” services to the low level players in such a way that the low level players didn’t need to actively participate in combat or have any equipment while still gaining a lot of experience, etc. The new system is meant to make such behaviour inefficient - when playing with a much stronger player, all the rewards will be greatly reduced. In addition to that, it’s meant to promote investing in your characters and playing together with players of similar strength - with small differences in Might, the change won’t have much effect. The change will have no significant impact on the experience gained by pets - since they don’t have Might, experience will be shared the same as before.