Date: 06.07.2022, 11:00 AM CEST
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
- Improving Treven’s Helmet.
- Improving the background in the achievements tab.
- Added information about the cost of charging the teleportation tower in the charging description.
- You can now enter the Druid Village without doing the quest - you can speak to Turvill to be granted access if you are level 25 or higher.
- The number of characters in a party will be hidden if there’s only one member of the party.
- Fixed several frequently occurring critical errors .
- Fixed a bug causing the cooldown on the trade chat to be extended if a message was sent on it from another character.
- Fixed a bug letting players equip one-time pets (the effect was only visual, the gear was back in the backpack after a relog).
- Fixed a bug causing players to be unable to equip or unequip pet gear if gear was switched for several pets and the arrow in the pet window was used.
- Fixed a bug causing issues with the chat arrow visibility when the chat was in a non-default position, the arrow has also been centered vertically.
- Fixed a bug with the option to bring journals in the skullcap task - if a player had Selena’s instance active, they would sometimes lose connection to the game during the task.
- Fixed a bug causing players to be unable to exit Tarul’s City without an instance.
- Fixed a bug causing the information about friends being online to refer to the sex of the player character instead of the friend.
- Fixed a bug causing the name of the region to be off-center.
- Minor fixes in texts.
Quest bugs:
- Fixed a bug causing the instance to disappear after fleeing or relogging in the quest instance in the Puppet Master quest.
- Fixed Temdin’s dialogue range and removed an unnecessary exit in the quest Croak of Despair.