Bugfix 6.30.1


Bugfix 6.30.1

Date: 03.08.2023, 10:30 AM CEST


*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.


  • Fixed a bug causing Lugus immunities to not be reset after the summoned fanatics are killed.
  • Fixed an incorrect value of prestige obtained for killing Ivravul on the Path of Challenge.
  • Fixed a bug causing Tit to not perform the immunity animation if she was stunned.
  • Additional security and tightening of the automatic cheat detection system (this includes changing the speed of the game, replacing files, attempting to circumvent security, etc.). Offending players will get a notification in the game log and via an in-game email - once it is received, further attempt will result in a ban.
  • Balanced psychoexperience obtained from regular mobs in the Tower and Ivravul instances on the Path of Challenge.
  • Minor fixes for errors in texts, quests, mechanisms, and areas.