Date of upload: 04.03.2022
- We fixed the error of the Daily Quest not being able to be retaken part in despite the waiting time of 0s. It has appeared on several servers.
- We fixed a pvp error as a result of which it was sometimes possible to attack a person with protection.
- Fixed the error of game crushing during the effect of Farid’s Jump or Holm’s Dispersion while the character was frozen.
- Fixed the error of some guilds transferred from The Pride of Taern that were not accessible.
- We improved the copying of lands after teleport in the Team finder.
- Fixed the error of kicking players out of the game in groups on reaching Tarul.
- Fixed the error of the lack of a heal debuff on adepts level 1 in Group Healing.
- Fixed the error of the incorrect cast level of Shadow Strike’s poison. A skill's poisoning effect is now four levels below its level (minimum 1).
- We improved the location of one of the snake squads on the Nidhogg instance, which allowed to past it.
- We have made fixes for all pets due to the increased resource consumption and the skill system change in Broken Ranks compared to The Pride of Taern. The scope of the changes includes adjusting the amount of resources, bringing the skill levels as close as possible to those they had before, and in the case of some pets, minor adjustments to the AI.
- For most mobs, we have improved the levels of special skills (not available for professions) which, as a result of an error, the effect was lower by half than assumed. These include abilities that give effects: Wound, Poisoning, Eye Puncture, Frost Aura, Infection (hand-to-hand zone), Freeze (hand-to-hand zone), Electromagnetic Interference (hand-to-hand zone).
- We've made minor adjustments to mob AI: Viking Knight, Vorling Knight, Jurghao Knight, Shadow, Mahet’s Guard, Lugus. They concern skill level adjustments: Protection, Block, Roots, Shadow Strike.
- We made adjustments to the AI of most mobs using the War Cry skill - the effect was weaker than expected in the current skill system.
- Adjusted Vidvar's AI so that he doesn't only hit the Knight if the team of players is only him and Fire Mages and / or Voodoo.
- We lifted the Death Priest's team.
- We've lifted the AI of all mobs of the type: Khold Priest, Khold vardr, Sabeltig.
- We have blocked the possibility of combining synergetics assigned to different characters.
- We have added some temporary protection after each fight during which the player cannot be attacked. It lasts 5 seconds after the end of the fight or until the character moves.
- We changed the position of mobs in the fight in the Greater Hawk’s and Lugus teams to one that allows all opponents to be clicked.
- We have added information in the stores in the equipment modification window for each of the options available there. They will be displayed when you hover over the "i" icon.
- We blocked the possibility to enter Trifkin’s Island via event portals without completing the quests "Paradise Island" or "Wizard Hunt".
- We have added information about the base stats in the equipment (rollover).
- We’ve added a pack of new permanent and quest NPC avatars
- We’ve added a pack of new mobs, champions and bosses from around Alaril and Trentis avatars
- We've added a new event icon in the castle grounds (access to Morana).
- Minor fixes in UI icons (info, skins icon)
- We've changed Morana model intended for a map for one that fits a model in a fight
- In the quest "A needle in a haystack", we added a missing reward in one of the quest end options.
- In the quest "Femme fatale" we fixed the error of the possibility of buying more than one bottle of booze.
- In the quest "Pet collar", we corrected the error of drawing the wrong order that did not count towards the quest progress.
- In the "Women-Beater" quest, we fixed the error of the possibility of collecting several handwriting samples from one person.
- We've made minor visual, textual and compass improvements to various quests.