Yet another update will soon arrive on the servers, bringing even more fun and challenges. The most important feature will be additional difficulty levels for more instances, but it will also include a handful of fixes and new mechanics you've been asking for. Keep reading if you want to know the details!
The update will go live next week, and the full list of changes will be published, as always, in our changelog at the time of the implementation.
Boss instances - difficulty levels and changes
Let’s start from the beginning - what exactly will be implemented?
Path of Discovery and Challenge:
- Tower,
- Puppet Master,
- Castle Specter,
- Tit.
Path of Challenge:
- Ivravul,
- Draugul,
- Admiral.
In addition to that, as we mentioned in the previous article, we made some changes to Tit. We didn't want to completely deprive it of its unique immunity mechanics and decided to apply the solution that you yourselves have often suggested. Namely, Tit will now have immunity to one of the three attack zones: melee, ranged, or mental. Which one? It will be chosen at random at the start of every round. Sharpen your weapons, physical classes! Mages, dust off your spell books and be ready to face a new challenge. All of this in three difficulty levels.
We decided to go even further and add some improvements to the Admiral instance, too. The way to reach the boss will no longer be up to you - if the lever that opens the gate to the upper deck is whole, the party must go that way. On the other hand, a broken lever means that you will have to go through the armory. The plus side of getting the upper deck will be a slightly shorter time needed to get through - we reduced the number of mobs on it. It will also provide some extra gold. Getting the armory will give you an opportunity to strengthen the drifs you have even more. Defeating the Utorian Officers will provide psychoexperience, as well as a chance to get Synergetics. Of course, the stronger the opponent, the greater the chance for better rewards.
In addition to that, the way to enter the Admiral instance has also changed. When the party leader talks to Hengis, he will open a portal for you, which will transport the entire party to the ship. We also managed to convince him that those who have not yet gained access to the instance, but nevertheless have a Ring of Transportation, should be able to pass through the portal. From now on, they too will be able to face the challenge on the Admiral's ship. Of course, they still need to be at least level 110.
Other changes and features
In the upcoming update, you can also count on smaller fixes and additional features that are sure to make the gameplay more convenient. The quantity selection window when moving only one item? That's a thing of the past. The ability to stack premium buffs, such as the marketplace or pet store? It’s in. A notification icon at the marketplace that something has sold? You’ll have it. Faster cell charging? By all means! Character preview when changing sex? Yes. And some other minor changes and bug fixes. ;)
In addition to that, we looked at the process of distributing rewards in the Tarul instance and decided to alter the values of items obtained there. From now on, the distribution of loot among party members will be much more fair.
We also worked on some tools to change the lightning of various maps. We figured it was worth using this for something we've had in mind for some time - areas for various events, mainly mob events. More information about the event will follow at the beginning of August!