Date: 04.04.2023, 10 AM CEST
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
Gear overhaul and changes related to it:
- Added a new system for gear customization based on inserting modifiers (called drifs) into legendary gear.
- Removed the division between rares and psychorares - now every piece of gear rank II+ will have slots for drifs (only applies to player gear).
- New options in stores: inserting drifs into gear, extracting drifs from gear, combining drifs, melting drifs.
- Changes to how psychoexperience is gained - from now on, players will have to level up drifs instead of gear. In addition to that: the number of psycho levels has been increased, adjusted effect gains per level, effect gains have been doubled at higher levels. The number of experience required and the maximum drif levels can be seen in the follow table: HERE
- Adjusted the number of psychoexperience gained from mobs and dialogues to accommodate for new drif levels - all psychoexperience has been multiplied by 10 (except for Gregorius and Ghadira where the gain is lower).
- The following bosses now provide psychoexperience: Babadek, Cross-Spider, Chieftain.
- You can prevent drifs from gaining experience - the disabled drif does not gain experience but its modifier still works. Gear with inserted drifs loses charge no matter whether its drifs are enabled or disabled.
- Drifs inserted into a single piece of gear gain bonus psychoexperience if more than one drif is enabled: 1 drif - 100% experience, 2 drifs - 140% experience, 3 drifs - 150% experience. The bonus psychoexperience is divided equally between all the drifs inserted into that gear piece (rounded down). For example, a player has 3 drifs enabled in gear A and 1 drif enabled in gear B. The boss gives 100 psychoexperience. The player will get 50 experience for the drif in gear B and 25 experience each for the drifs in gear A.
- Drifs can now be looted in instances and from most champions.
- The current legendary and epic gear have been converted to the new system.
- Adjusted the attributes of every piece of legendary gear (some have remained unchanged).
- Increased the attributes of most epics and introduced a booster to the effect of their drifs.
- Combining similar gear pieces into one: both versions of Aquariuses, both versions of Tsunami, Executor, Wrath of the Forgotten and Master of Fate, Utorian Sparks and Seimhi Claws. Adjusted the droprate of the aforementioned gear.
- Added requirements to synergetics (except for Miris and Eriba).
- Undamaged legendary gear can no longer be looted.
- Changed the threshold at which the buff “Resistance to Piercing/Slashing/Crush” is displayed from 200 to 300 points.
- Changed the resource costs of abilities: apprentice level - no changes, adept and master - increased resource costs.
- Adjusted the difficulty of mobs - increased the attributes of all mobs except for those at the lower levels.
- Adjusted the strength of pets - changes to the attribute increasing algorithm, changes to the base attributes of pets.
- Compensations for the current gear according to the following information: [LINK]. In addition to that, the following situations are covered: if an undamaged piece of psychogear is on the market, it’ll be removed from it; if an undamaged psychogear is in the deposit and the main character is on another server, drifs will become bound to the highest level character on the server where the psychogear is located; if a legendary gear piece had negative effect (Current, Aquenirs), players will only get a positive drif from them.
- Various UI improvements related to the gear reform.
- Miscellaneous fixes and improvements.
Sidraga Instance:
- Introduction of the Sidraga instance meant for levels 135+. The entrance can be found on the Mountainside.
- New AI, models, and avatars for mobs in the instance.
- Five new pieces of legendary gear you can get by defeating Sidraga.
- Added the quest Repulsive Relative - you can get it from Sulog in the Khold Mountains if you are level 66 or above.
- Added the quest The Winged Lady - you can get it from Joen in the Beirn inn if you are level 135 or above.
Spring Event:
- Added two new skins: Legguards of the Thaw - legguards you can get by participating in the event, Heart of Life - a body armor you can buy in the Premium Store. Both skins will only be available during the event.
- Added new event achievements: Spring Foes, Busy Bunny, Easter Eggs Collected, Slaughter Lamb.
- Changes to the amount of experience gained from Chicken Hearts, Chickenpox, and Lambdas.
- Decreased the number of Lambdas in the group spawning in the open from 3 to 2 and adjusted the rewards.
- Miscellaneous changes.
- Changes to the way characters stop resting - when resting and choosing a different action (e.g. attacking a mob or talking to an NPC), the character will immediately stand up and do it. You will not need to click twice to stand up and take the action.
- Making the upgrade clock faster - the speed of the pointer increases with every upgrade attempt until it reaches the maximum value. The speed resets when you exit the game.
- Added flashing background and screen shakes in combat if the effects also occur on the map.
- You can now search the marketplace for all morphed gear pieces (when entering “skin: [name]”, you need to omit the name).
- Party lock state will be remembered after logging out (for the whole account, not just one character).
- Healing and Group Healing will now take into account fractional parts of the magical damage modifier (until now, they have been rounded down).
- Resource bars will now shake if the player lacks a resource to perform an attack in combat.
- Added a keyboard shortcut to the faction chat.
- You can no longer cancel trade invitations by pressing Enter.
- You can no longer take Tarul buffs with you by logging out and waiting for the instance to expire.
- The DQ Selena’s Returns - the dialogues for taking the quest will be shorter if the quest has already been completed at least once (after the update, not before).
- Changes to the way PvP warnings are displayed - they will be displayed based on the current status of the player.
- Fixes and improvements to various texts in the game.
Graphics and animations:
- Increased the speed of melee attacks - the attacker will begin their animation when the previous attacker is returning.
- Increased the speed of most combat animations.
- Fixes and new animations for player characters.
- Fixes and new animations, textures, and effects for some mobs.
- New NPC avatars.
- Improvements and fixes to gear, backgrounds, maps, instances, items, and UI.
- Fixed a bug causing the combat clock to sometimes be grayed out.
- Fixed a bug causing the player to be taken to the server list instead of the character list after logging out.
- Fixed a bug with false double click when walking - sometimes when moving the mouse away, the character followed the cursor instead of walking in the appropriate direction.
- Fixed a bug causing bosses to lack crowns in most instances.
- Fixed a bug causing the mixing of region entry limitations - characters could no longer get to some places until a full client reset (this occurred most frequently on the Khemenak bridge).
- Fixed a bug causing task mobs to not be counted towards achievements.
- Fixed a bug causing the exit window to open after pressing Esc when typing on chat (the key will need to be pressed twice now).
- Fixed the rounding of fractional amounts on the marketplace - they should now correctly round to a maximum of three decimal points.
- Fixed a bug causing the lack of extra AP in the tactic if the tactic was chosen via a keyboard shortcut before the fight loaded completely.
- Fixed a bug causing Undead Entrails to be lootable in the Forlorn Settlement after every server restart.
- Fixed a bug causing a black screen after using a window keyboard shortcut when looking at the world map.
- Fixed a bug causing incorrect coloring of the requirements of pet gear (the colors took into account player attributes instead of pet attributes).
- Fixed a bug allowing players to select a fleeing or dead character in combat.
- Fixed a bug allowing players to make several Ethereal Lamps from the same set of ingredients inside one instance.
- Fixed an incorrect message displayed when a character has been banned.
- Fixed miscellaneous bugs and critical errors.
- Fixed several bugs reported in quests.