Bugfix 8.47.4


Bugfix 8.47.4
  • Added changes to the Valentine’s Day event - changes to the formula, rewards, new skin. More details in an upcoming article.
  • Optimized loot ranking to make it load faster. Points will no longer update in real time - instead they’ll refresh every minute.
  • Restored epic notification on the chats on Thanar.
  • Added Ice Power Cores to the loot table of Valdarog (all paths) and Blizzard.
  • Changed the task Frostbite taken from Malus - it will now be meant and adjusted to players level 80 or above and won’t require a party. Players will be able to get Ice Power Cores during the task.
  • In the task Icy Research taken from Alvan, players will no longer get the option to turn in Ice Power Cores.
  • Decreased overall psychoexperience gains from the Hvar instance on the Path of Challenge by about 15%.
  • Increased psychoexperience gained from normal mobs in the Ivravul instance on the Path of Challenge by about 110%.
  • Fixed exploration errors on the worldmap - incorrect calculation of overall exploration progress, not counting mobs if they are present in several groups of the same type (e.g. Sidraga elites), added missing elements.
  • Minor fixes to game mechanics.