Date: 30.09.2022, 1 PM CEST
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
- Added the Valdarog instance for characters level 70+. The entrance can be found on the Plateau near the Old Man (it’s called Dragon Trial). The cost of entering the instance is 200k gold in total (40k for each fragment of the key).
- Added the introductory quest Draconic Ambition for the Valdarog instance. You can take the quest from the Guide near Khemenak. It requires level 70.
- New models and avatars of: Valdarog, Reptilion, Xantus, Sauria, Dragon Fangs, Dragon Teeth, Dragon Breath, Sight Guardian, Dragon Heart.
- New AI for: Valdarog, Reptilion.
- Added the Arena - a place where PvP tournaments will be organized. The entrance is in Trentis.
- Added the league system.
- Added thalers - a new currency that you can get by participating in tournaments. Thalers are added to the account, not to the character, which means that they can be used on any character, no matter the server. The number of thalers you own is shown at the arena shopkeeper - Haine.
- Added Haine - the NPC can be found near the Arena and runs a shop with items you can buy with thalers.
- Added achievements related to the arena and tournaments: Podium Winner (finishing in the top3), Tournament Winner (winning tournaments), Arena Patron (fighting in tournaments), Triumpher (winning tournament fights), Arena Ranking (gaining league points).
- You can now spectate fights in the arena.
Class balance:
Changes to Rip:
- Now deals 65% piercing and 35% weapon type damage (previously 50% piercing and 50% weapon type).
- Added the Mutilation effect that increases the damage of Critical Strike: [link].
Changes to Anger Shockwave:
- Changed the sequence - this attack will now always be performed before single-target, melee attacks, no matter which circle it’s set in.
- After killing the target, the character will stay in place and perform the rest of the attacks from the ability.
- Other single target attacks set after Anger Shockwave will no longer be lost.
- Removed Quick Slash and Trance.
- New ability: Throw from the Hip - a ranged attack that deals piercing damage and has a chance to apply the Pierced Armor effect: [link]. Damage formula: 1,2*strength + 0,8*dexterity.
- New ability and effect - Battle Fervor: [link]. Converts base knowledge and HP to strength and dexterity. Doesn’t convert default attributes (meaning 10 knowledge and 200 HP) or attributes provided by gear.
- Changes in the Addled effect - the Mighty Blow damage boost now scales with the level of Calculated Strike: [link] (previously the bonus was a static 15% increase).
- Changes to Purity Aura: [link] (the table contains all the information about the ability). The difficulty is now low.
- Changes to Sacrifice: [link] (the table contains all the information about the ability).
- Changes to Evasion: reduced increased stamina usage from 36% to 27% at level 1 and decreased its scaling from 4% to 3%.
- Decreased damage by about 5-15% depending on the skill: Healing, Group Healing, Bash, Roots, Pierce Doll, Fire Shield, Burning, Fireball, Rain of Fire, Meteorite (the exact values can be seen in the game).
- Increased the level of these abilities when used by pets.
- Adjusted ability levels for mobs using the above abilities as well as Trance, Sacrifice, and Purity Aura.
- Adjustments to pets due to the above changes: Hohgrat (increased the level of Natural Resistance), Era (decreased the level of Trance and Sacrifice).
- Trance no longer drains mana.
- Added the animation of Pierce Doll for Cobra.
- Improvements and new animations for: Rasp, Wolf, Frog, Cockroach.
- Minor graphical improvements to mobs, gear, maps, and interface.
- Added a deposit in Alaril next to Lesgar’s Inn.
- Added a mechanism that disables pets in combat inside some maps and instances - it’s used mostly in the grottoes of the Valdarog instance and in Tarul’s City (you won’t need to send your pet away before entering).
- Added a sound to the Sand in the Eyes ability used by some mobs (it applies the Blindness effect).
- Tarul’s City: adjusted the values of additional resistance on Mahet due to the changes in player skills.
- Morana: removed Bleeding from the pool of debuffs Gorag can choose.
- Admiral: changes to the debuff combinations on pillars that activate extra boosts:
- Dainir-debuffer: Immobilization added,
- Dainir-dmg: Wound changed to Dazed,
- 10 PA: changed Burning to Wound+Fear,
Bonus strength and power (BB): changed Addled to Pierced Armor, changed Roots to Swarm, changed Lost Balance to Wound, changed Fear to Bleeding, - Bonus strength and power (FM): changed Addled to Pierced Armor, changed Roots to Wasps, changed Fear to Fiery Glow,
- Bonus knowledge and dexterity: changed Addled to Pierced Armor, changed Roots to Fire Vulnerability, changed Bleeding to Concussion,
- Group mental resistance: changed Wound to Blinded, added Fiery Glow,
- Group Breath Control: changed Fire Vulnerability to Fiery Glow,
- Dispel: changed Intense Pain to Cirrhosis, changed Bleeding to Headache, changed Roots to Lost Balance, added Addled.
- Group Healing: changed Lost Balance to Smashed Face, changed Roots to Fire Vulnerability, changed Fear to Addled.
- Changes to melee - characters will now run around less. They won't return to their place unnecessarily. If any attacks would be performed after the character died, the attacks won't be performed.
- Fixed a bug causing items to return to the backpack if the player clicked ESC when throwing them away (now ESC both returns the item to the backpack and closes the window).
- Fixed a bug causing the Mental Attacks Resistance icon not to appear.
- Fixed a bug causing Sana not to appear if other mobs stand in her spot.
- Fixed a bug in the quest Business is Business - the quest didn’t progress if the player killed the Rich Archrogue and then died fighting the group.
- Fixed minor bugs in quests.
- Fixes and improvements to various texts.