Soon we are going to celebrate the one day of the year when one can very distinctly feel a certain emotion in the air - love. Archers - prepare your Cupid arrows! Druids - entangle everyone in the embrace of your roots! Knights - may Power of Unity erase the differences between us! Voodoos - shroud the world in the aura of love! Fire Mages - make hearts burn! Sheeds - make sure no one dodges your affection! Barbarians - let emotions pierce your thick skin! And once you do all that, let’s meet in the De Vries Estate, because it’s there that the great ball will be held!
You are invited to yet another Broken Ranks Valentine’s Day Party! The mini event features a quest that you’ll be able to do between 10 AM CET on Friday, February 14th and 10 AM CET on Friday, February 21st. We want the people who can’t visit our world every day to also have a chance to take part in the fun and get the rewards.
This year, the event will be slightly different, so no matter if you took part in previous editions or not, you should read the information below.
How to participate?
In the quest tab, you’ll see the Valentine’s Day Party event quest. The first step is to talk to one of the Administrators. They can be found in Trentis, Alaril, Khemenak, Thalia, Garrison, and Beirn. They have party invitations but they won't give them to just anyone - you’ll have to prove that you deserve them. ;)
For this purpose, you’ll undergo two trials - trial of courage and trial of charm. All of this to check if, when fighting for love, you’ll be able to both face challenges and show tenderness to your soulmate, because only such people deserve to take part in the Valentine’s Day party! Sharpen your weapons to steal the hearts of bosses and then say something nice to some NPCs. The Administrators will tell you where you should be looking at your level range.
If you manage to complete the trials, you’ll get your invitation to the party and you’ll be able to dance and frolic all you want, but… beware of trouble. ;) Overcome all the obstacles to save the party and get precious rewards!
*The quest can only be completed once per account. Before accepting the offer of the Administrators, make sure you’re using the right character.
The main reward is a boots skin named Advances. It’s the last piece of the Heart’s Desire set that you could get in recent years. You’ll get it from the Master of Ceremonies at the end of the Valentine’s Day party.
In addition to that, before the party ends the Quartermaster will appreciate your efforts by letting you choose one of the following reward sets: experience, psychoexperience, upgrade flasks (type depends on your class), tracks, boss entry items, or gear upgrade items. The types and amounts will be adjusted to your level range.*
*Level ranges: 1-19, 20-39, 40-65, 66-89, 90-109, 110-125, 126-139, 140.
In addition to that, the lowest range won’t have tracks, entry items, and gear upgrade items. Instead, it’ll have potions.
During the Valentine’s Day party, you’ll also be able to find a love letter and a rose bouquet that you can give to anyone you like. It’ll be a nice little gift in this special time. Just don’t exit the estate too quickly and look for them. ;)
Premium skins
Starting on February 14th at 10 AM CET, you’ll be able to buy elements of the Heart’s Desire set and weapon skins in the Premium Store. If you didn’t get them all in previous years, now’s a great opportunity to complete your collection.
In addition to that, on February 17th at 10 AM CET, there’ll be a new delivery to the Premium Store - the Eternal Love set.
All the skins will be available in the Premium Store until March 3rd at 10 AM CET.
Profess your love with Valentine’s Day letters
For a time, the administrators of the game will become Cupids who will give the world of Broken Ranks the beautiful words that you want to convey to the people you care about. All you need to do is write an in-game letter up to 250 characters long to one of the characters handling the mail (you can find the list of nicks below). Unfortunately, we may not be able to deliver all of them… You know how the post works ;) However, from the letters we receive, we’ll choose some and send them to every player via the announcement system.
Here’s a list of characters you can send the letters to:
- Thanar: Walenty
- Kadarin: ŚwValenty
- Izin: StWalenty
- Wyvern : LoveMessenger
- Thalia : LovelyMessenger
- Pavar: СвВалентин
- Naravar: БогЛюбви
You can send the letter from now until 5:30 PM CET on February 14th.
*Offensive, toxic, and too long messages will not be accepted (the limit is 250 characters).
**In the letter, let us know if you want us to include your nick in the announcement.
That’s not all…
In addition to that, as part of the celebration, we’ll increase the amount of experience and psychoexperience (gear experience) gained on February 14th between 10 AM CET and 12 PM CET, and between 9 PM CET and 11 PM CET.
Have fun!