Date: 24.04.2024, 12:00 AM CEST.
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
Hello, Taernians!
Today’s update focuses mostly on implementing the long-awaited new epics - the legends. If you haven’t done so already, you can read this article to get more details about them. Below is a general list of changes including those that weren’t mentioned in the article. Read on.
New gear - legends:
- New weapon type - legend, which can be crafted by completing a mission consisting of several goals (progress, gathering, combat). In order to start the mission, you need to be at least level 120 and have a repaired or undamaged epic for your class (Warning! Undamaged epics will become bound when they turn into legends). The mission will be displayed on the right side of the screen (under tasks and quests).
- A new area dedicated to the process of creating a legend - the Forge of Fate. You can enter it through the cavern below the Garrison.
- A new UI window dedicated to the process of creating a legend - players will get access to it when agreeing to creating a legend when speaking with the Blacksmith of Fate. You can return to it by clicking the mission on the right side of the screen or right-clicking your epic.
- New items that you can acquire and are need to create a legend: Giant Skin (loot from giants on the Mountainside), Limetyth Element (can be crafted or brought from Frahlump in the Dveir Burrow), Grandmaster Glyph (loot from bosses from the path of challenge requiring Tracks of Dread, Fright, or Terror), Ethereal Catalyst (can be acquired by handing in an Ethereal Lamp to the Blacksmith of Fate while having the daily quest and the legend mission active; cannot be traded).
- News update - addition of an extra bonus to the durability of a legend for the durability of an epic, that is cumulative with the bonus for upgrade (but only up to a maximum of 60%): 45-50%: 0%, 51-53%: +1%, 54-55%: +2%, 56-57%: +3%, 58-59%: +4%, 60%: +5%. So, for example, if a player owns an epic gear upgraded to 12 with a durability of 56%, they will receive a legend with a durability of 56% (50% for the base + 3% for the durability of the epic + 3% for the upgrade of the epic).
- Graphical improvements for the Dveir Burrow related to the addition of the new element.
- Standardized the names of gear types - rare gear will just be called “rares” instead of “legendary”.
- Various changes in dialogues and descriptions related to the implementation of legends.
- The Err drif (mana drain) can now be looted and its intensity has been changed from 4 to 3.
- Changes to the tactics window - the number of Attack Circles and Action Points to distribute will now take into account various player effects (mostly gear but also Breath Control for Sheeds).
- Added Platinum Keys and the Alt Exp Buff to the Premium Store on servers which didn’t have access to them.
- Changed the stance of female mages so that the staff doesn’t clip into the cloak.
- Changed the way skins are removed from gear - in order to remove a skin from gear, you’ll need to right-click the icon in the top right corner of the gear instead of the gear itself.
- Changed the ranks of Ivravul's Revenge and Water Dancer from VI to VII. If they were put on the marketplace, they’ll be removed from it and returned to the deposit.
- All epics will now weigh 15.
- Changed the moment additional AP are deactivated when a piece of gear with this effect discharges during combat - the additional AP will disappear at the beginning of the round instead of at the end.
- Changed the field colors on the Mountainside - players will now be able to reach the entrances to boss instances and the Giants Cave without having to cross white fields.
- Modified and increased the rate of mob spawns in Beirn and on the Mountainside.
- Increased energy resistance on some mobs on the Tarul instance.
- Blocked several commands that modified the zoom value and added a command that fixes issues with high or low zoom - /fixcam.
- Fixed a bug allowing players to trade drifs inside undamaged gear.
- Fixed other, minor bugs.