Dear Taernians!
We would like you to know that we have analyzed the data from the Forefathers’s Eve survey and decided to share with you some details that are the most interesting, at least according to us. Let’s begin!
For starters, here are the things you achieved during the event:
- throughout Forefathers’ Eve, you defeated 6,336,123 mob packs
- 9,68% of player participating in the event reached the limit
Congratulations to you all! 👏
Below you can see how you rated various aspects of the event at various level ranges:
As you can see, all the above answers follow the same trend - the higher the level of the players, the lower the evaluation of the event.
Going forward, you thought that the addition of a limit together with extending the duration of Forefathers’ Eve was definitely a positive change. See for yourselves:
The above data leave us without a shadow of doubt - the direction we chose (especially in the context of Forefathers’ Eve) is the right one. In addition to that, you thought that the limit itself and the new duration were optimal as well:
Thank you for filling out the surveys. The data is very precious to us and helps us improve the game in the direction you want it to go! Thanks to it, we’re aware of the lower satisfaction levels towards the end-game and we’ll surely take it into account with future editions of the event.
See you after the next survey!