Date: 02.02.2023, 1 PM CET
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
- Optimization (part 2) - improving the loading speed of maps and fights.
- Changes to the hitting algorithm to make very lucky or unlucky series less likely. This change affects both players and mobs.
- Valentine’s Day Event - added two new skins - cape and helmet (available during the event), minor fixes to the event itself, adjustment of rewards.
- A new menu for exiting the game visible after pressing Esc and improvements for the options in the settings window.
- Added a link to customer support inside the game.
- You can no longer roll the same type of daily PvP task twice in a single day.
- Decreased the chance of rolling more difficult daily PvP tasks involving killing players.
- Killing neutrals no longer progresses daily PvP tasks.
- Time to Kill has been removed from the list of daily PvP tasks.
- Increased the fleeing penalty - it will now reduce your PvP points by 50 and increase the cooldown to enter peaceful mode by 60 minutes.
- Combining the Aqua Regis instance into one - if your group splits, all players will be moved to the same instance instead of creating a new one.
- Fixes, new animations, and effects for some mobs and pets.
- Fixes and improvements for various texts.
- Fixed a bug causing the 1st place in the faction ranking to not be shown.
- Fixed incorrect information about the rewards for the winning faction.
- Fixed a bug causing all members of the winning faction to gain the unique bonuses (the bonus should only be given to players rank 2 or higher).
- Fixed a bug causing issues when inactive characters (0 points) are removed from factions at the end of the season (the bug will no longer occur after the update but may still affect some characters - if this is the case, please leave your faction by talking to the NPC).
- Fixed a bug causing the health of pets to not be regenerated upon reviving if the pet died before a server restart or if it was revived in the guild after 4 hours (without paying).
- Fixed a bug causing mana and stamina usage to not be shown in the list of properties.
- Fixed a bug in shops - gear was not returned to the backpack if it was put into the morph slot and then the tab was changed (this error was only visual, after closing and opening the window, the gear would show up normally), item quantity number disappearing when changing the tab from repair to another one, normal gear being ineligible for the morph slot, added missing slot descriptions in the morphing and melting tabs.
- Fixed a bug causing players to see the marker over a task party that was not theirs.
- Fixed reported graphical errors to various mobs, gear, items, and maps.
- The Shadows over Dmorther quest - fixed a bug causing mobs with the Vorling Soul to not spawn if two players were doing the quest together and had the same stage.
- The Philosopher’s Stone daily quest - fixed a bug causing the task to be taken also by other members of the party.
- Fixed various minor bugs.