Date: 05.03.2024
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
Hello, Taernians!
In this update, we focus mostly on your suggestions and reports about minor and major features. The most important point is orb mechanics rework, but there’ll be more than a dozen other quality-of-life changes. Read on!
Gear rework - orbs:
Orbs have been with us for some time now and gave you new opportunities to improve your characters. The new bonuses were met with a warm welcome, but with time it turned out that the mechanics didn’t pan out as we hoped in everyday gameplay. The worst offender here was trading - there were a lot of issues with selling orbs themselves or calculating their price. We also noticed a problem with market oversaturation - orbs that were relatively easy to get became worthless due to a complete lack of any way to transform or sell orbs that weren’t leveled up.
Therefore, we are changing the orb mechanics to increase their value and make trading easier. You will be able to extract orbs from gear and have them as a separate item with its own graphic and name. You will also be able to shatter them into Shards, so every orb will gain a minimum value. Orbs will also become bound to players in the same way as drifs now do. All manners of operations will be possible both on orbs in and outside of gear - you won’t have to extract orbs to combine them or level them up.
Other orb mechanics, e.g. only the orb with the highest modifier of a certain type being active, will remain unchanged. Here’s a full list of changes:
- Added the option to have an orb as a separate item - orbs will still only be found in gear but they can be extracted from it.
- Added icons and names to all orbs.
- Added the option to insert and extract orbs in shops.
- Added the option to shatter orbs - the number of Shards depends on the size and level of the orb.
- Changed the backpack, deposit, and market category from “drifs” to “artifacts” - artifacts will contain both drifs and orbs.
- Orbs will now bind to the character when they are inserted into repaired or undamaged gear.
- Orbs can now be linked on chats.
- UI changes and improvements.
Pieces of gear with orbs inside of them that are currently present on the servers will be adjusted to the change. We took into account what you could previously do (e.g. trade orbs that haven’t been leveled up between characters) and decided to do the following:
- If an orb is currently inside a damaged and unbound piece of gear, it’ll remain there and will still be unbound.
- If an orb is currently inside a repaired and bound piece of gear, and hasn’t been leveled up (meaning it’s still at level 1), then it’ll be removed from the piece of gear and remain unbound (it’ll be put in the backpack or the deposit, depending on where the piece of gear was).
- If an orb is currently inside a repaired and bound piece of gear, and has been leveled up (meaning it’s level 2 or 3), it’ll remain inside the piece of gear and will bind to the owner of the gear.
- If an orb is currently inside an undamaged piece of gear, it’ll be removed from the piece of gear and remain unbound no matter if it has been leveled up or not (it’ll be put in the backpack or the deposit, depending on where the piece of gear was).
- All orbs that will not become bound automatically with the update will bind to the owner when they are placed inside repaired or undamaged gear.
Other changes and new features:
However, a Taernian cannot live on orbs alone. From among hundreds of suggestions that had been appearing on our Discord, we chose about a dozen to be included in this update. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the rest of them were rejected. ;) We’ll keep implementing your good ideas for sure.
One of the most important features is the ability to secure your account with two-factor authentication. We decided to use a very popular solution - Google Authenticator. We strongly encourage you to turn on additional security.
As for in-game changes, we decided to focus on the Heurokratos instance, which didn’t become a huge hit at the levels it was meant for. Your feedback was very clear - although experience gain was great, the difficulty was through the roof. For this reason, we decided to nerf it at all difficulty levels. We want the mortality rate of players at around level 60 to drop significantly.
Moreover, we fixed a couple of errors and introduced several minor changes you had been asking for. Don’t like uninvited guests in your party? From now on, you can block it completely. Interested how generous Mantis has been for you? You’ll be able to check how many legendary gear pieces you looted from it. Too many of a certain type of elixir? No matter, you’ll be able to exchange them for a price. Here’s a full list so that you know what awaits you:
- Balancing the Heurokratos instance: lowered the strength, power, and ability levels of some mobs, changed the respawn spot when dying on the boss.
- Added the option to secure your account and change the email using Google Authenticator - you can do this in the settings in the character list screen.
- Added the display of the number of legendary gear pieces looted from a boss - the information will appear when mousing over a boss avatar in the achievements list. The number doesn’t take into account gear dropped in the party, just for you personally. WARNING! The numbers will reflect historical data but only since the release of Broken Ranks (January 25th, 2022) - this means that for Thanar, Thalia, and Pavar the numbers will not include gear looted in The Pride of Taern.
- Added a search engine to achievements.
- Added a third type of party lock that makes it completely impossible for other players to join you. Here are the lock colors and what they mean: white - anyone can join, orange - only guildmates and friends can join, red - no one can join.
- Added the option to exchange resource-regenerating substances other than elixirs for a different type of the same size (e.g. health extracts for stamina extracts) - Hoberl at the Swamp will do this for you in exchange for gold.
- You can now convert elixirs into larger resource-regenerating substances (e.g. health elixirs into health extracts) - Rayna in the Remnant Hideout will do this for you in exchange for platinum.
- Added Mana and Stamina Extracts.
- Added more information in the drif description when mousing over them in the marketplace.
- You can now search for your guild with one click in the guild ranking.
- Made the anti-spam block in the private chat less invasive - the request not to spam will only appear after several messages are sent very quickly.
- Added a confirmation window when removing a pet from a guild cage.
- You can now take 5 or 50 axes from Mattey instead of 1.
- Made it impossible to recharge gear if it already has the same or greater number of charges than after the recharging.
- Added the option to set a custom charge threshold to inform about discharging gear (orange background) - you can set it in the game options under “other”.
- Added a responsive display of the double upgrade chance in shops - the clock will now react visually to the presence of a dvigg.
- Changed the way gear is displayed in shops when all filters are off to make it consistent with the marketplace - if all filters are off, players will be able to see all the gear.
- Added a shorter version of the /guildhistory command - /gh (they work exactly the same).
- Fixed a bug causing player or mob models to not load in fights where mobs join combat (e.g. fights against the death incarnate gate, elites in the Sidraga instance).
- Fixed a bug when joining combat resulting in the message “You need to be in the same location.”
- Fixed a bug occurring when an orb with a chance to penetrate farid activates when the opponent has a damage-dealing effect (e.g. fire shield) active - the damage would not be dealt in this case.
- Fixed a visual bug causing an incorrect display of resource regeneration for party members if the player had a faster resting bonus and other players didn’t (the player saw other party members regenerating at the same rate and the value fixed itself only after resting was disabled).
- Fixed a bug causing an incorrect icon of the “Pain” effect to appear over characters.
- Fixed a bug causing characters to inherit someone else’s exploration if the character was created using the nickname of a previously deleted character.
- Fixed a bug causing pet gear to have the wrong color when linked on chats.
- Fixed a bug causing fragments of lips or skin color to linger on the avatar in combat if a player switched between targeting male and female characters.
- Fixed a visual bug that caused potions not to work if they were clicked when attacking an opponent (players could see the animation and hear the sound of an elixir but it was never really used).
- Fixed a PvP bug that prevented players from joining combat on the side of the defenders despite available slots.
- Other, minor fixes for graphics, mechanisms, and servers.