Date: 24.05.2023, 10:30 AM CEST
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
- Fixed a bug causing the local chat to be unusable in combat.
- Fixed a bug causing an incorrect display (or lack of display) of dodge or hit chance when area-of-effect mental attacks are used (e.g. the targeted character would do the animation multiple times if other members of the party avoided the attack).
- Fixed a bug causing an incorrect display of the Mental Defense modifier icon.
- Fixed a bug causing an incorrect refresh of the character’s Might if a drif leveled up during combat.
- Fixed a bug causing the ability wheel to move to the side if it was opened right after combat began.
- Fixed a bug causing the event from the quest Haunted Manor to appear in the open map.
- Fixed a bug causing Shackled Giants to deal massive damage with Earthquake (implemented on May 19th).
- Minor fixes to some mechanisms in the game.
- Hidden the id shown under /guildhistory.
- Updated and added more loading screen tips.