Implemented: February 6th, 2022 at 6PM CET
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
- Fixed a critical error with mobs spawning in a very specific, rare situation. When it happened it caused the server to crash. Also, task mobs should no longer spawn in faraway locations.
- Added a cooldown, characters limit and a line limit to local chat as sending long messages sometimes caused the game to freeze for other players.
- Changed Gorag’s Dispel level - he will now dispel all debuffs on Morana.
- Fixed an error that caused mobs to restart spawning in Tarul’s instance. We’ve also moved the treasure there somewhere else.
- Engine Room Keys will now be taken away upon entering the Commander instance, as they allowed players to bypass the stage with killing Giants by killing the Keymaster and entering a new instance with the acquired key.
You can now enter the Commander and Admiral instance without the need to complete High Seas. You can talk to - Petr Volsunr to get to Commander (cost: 50 essences, req. lvl 50) and to Hengis to get to Admiral (cost: 1500 ducats, req. lvl. 115). This is a one-time payment. If you’d rather do the quest, there’s no need to pay.
- Removed the unfinished quest Infiltration from the exploration tab and added a suggested level for Greater Hawk.
- Changed the respawn spot after dying on Geomorph to the correct one - in the inn in Alaril. Respawning inside the instance was never intended.
- Changed the starting coordinates for the Snake Pit so that players don’t spawn right next to an aggressive group.
- Handing the pass in jail caused the character to be logged out without being let out. Also, dying in jail revived players in Trentis. We fixed both errors - you can now serve your punishment without any issues.
- Fixed the AI and skills of mountains cats and lempo, because low-level characters could easily gain a lot of experience on them by using the fact that they focus on the lowest level character. The other characters didn’t need to set up defenses. These mobs now stop being exceptionally aggressive when attacked by players level 70+, but if they see a lower level character, they’ll become aggressive towards the whole party. We also fixed a bug causing them to not use all of their available AP.
- Dying on the Dmorther Cliff will now revive you at the beginning of the Cliff instead of in the Garrison.
- Fixed an error in the dialogue with the barrel in Ichtion’s ship that prevented players from making Palinka. We also added a visual effect to let you know which barrel is the right one.
- Fixed the descriptions of guild buildings incorrectly listing the number of buffs/destinations.
- Updated dialogues, mostly in the Dmorther and Beirn areas - fixing typos, making them more clear and adding feminine forms. We also changed the dialogue with Glanachain Master as it no longer fit with the storyline and didn’t include all the necessary information.
- Dissolvers can now be bought from Eric in the Garrison instead of Verstein.
- Lempo Alpha Corpses can now be sold to Benther in the Garrison (instead of Berer).
- Increased the reward for killing a group of 3x Traveler from 8,000 gold to 20,000 gold and a Bottle of Booze. You can sell the loot from this group to Talliard, too, so that players who completed There Must Be Order in a certain way can sell it.
- Minor mapping fixes for the areas under the ice.
Graphic improvements:
- Fixed the overexposure of White Bat’s wing and Dragon Priest’s robe.
- Fixed the overexposure of: Zeeraks, Sildus.
- Added graphics visible on the map for the Imperial Agent set.
- Improved the premium account icon in the premium store.
- Fixed the clipping on the cape Solar Wind.
- Added more details to higher level areas of the world map.
- Changed the color of Calculated Strike to those indicating a debuff.
- Added avatars to some NPCs: Laash, Guy, Talhal's Bodyguard, Johnny, Unen, Matt.
- Miscellaneous fixed to maps and instances.
Quest fixes:
- In the quest To the Surface, the hammer was moved to a place where it should be easier to find.
- In the quest Dead Sea, in the stage “Go to the surface”, we blocked the entrance to the Cavern, because some player teleported from it using the Trentis scroll. This way, they had an instance in the Cave under the Marshes without any mobs in it.
- In the quest Mysterious Spear, we changed the stage description and the dialogue with Hoberl to give players hints on what they need to do if they threw away the required items.
- In the quest Bloody Courtship, players will exit their party when they are sent to prison.
- In the quest Croak of Despair, we added a visual effect in the place where you need to set up the trap and hide to make it more clear what players need to do.
- In the quests Speck of Honor, Paradise Island, and Wizard Hunt, we added hints on how to return to the instance if you decide to take a break from them.