Broken Ranks Keyart


Broken Ranks Keyart

With pride and a large dose of excitement, we would like to present our keyart - the main promotional image for Broken Ranks. It will be our signature art, most closely associated with the game in our marketing campaigns. Truth be told, you could see a small fragment of it when we announced our participation in PAX East Online.

When we presented a single piece of the keyart on social media, you were very impressed. Thank you for all the positive comments! You wondered if it’s a fragment of a cutscene or a teaser of a new story. Yes, it's a teaser, but it teases a new chapter. Broken Ranks is almost here and we need to make sure every aspect of it is as perfect as we can make it before the release.

We hope that the full promotional art will spark more positive emotions than the fragment presented earlier. We’ve also added it to the PRESS CENTER - you can download it there.