Patch 8.48
Soon we are going to celebrate the one day of the year when one can very distinctly feel a certain emotion in the air - love. Archers - prepare your Cupid arrows! Druids - entangle everyone in the embrace of your roots! Knights - may Power of Unity erase the differences between us! Voodoos - shroud the world in the aura of love! Fire Mages - make hearts burn! Sheeds - make sure no one dodges your affection! Barbarians - let emotions pierce your thick skin! And once you do all that, let’s meet in the De Vries Estate, because it’s there that the great ball will be held!
Greetings, Taernians!
Just two more days and we’ll start celebrating 3 years of unforgettable adventures in Broken Ranks! We were working really hard but the end result was certainly worth it, especially that so many changes and updates were met with a positive response. We’re glad we managed to implement most of the things planned for 2024 but, to be honest, our drawers with ideas are still full to the brim, so this is just the beginning ;)
Dear players,
Despite our current bot detection system, we’ve seen an increase in their activity over the last two months. We immediately began analyzing all the exposed cases. Your reports, on the other hand, gave us a lot of additional data - we’d like to thank you for your commitment!
Greetings, Taernians!
As previously announced, another big update is quickly approaching. It’ll introduce a new area that will hopefully make your everyday gameplay even more fun and let you immerse yourselves in its atmosphere. One thing is certain - the update’s coming in hot. ;)
Hello, Taernians!
Very soon, still in November, we will implement an update that will bring you many long-awaited changes and new features. This time we took a good look at the loot mechanisms to make acquiring rare items more satisfying and fair. We’re also rebalancing one of the classes – yes, this is the moment when archers get their own defensive ability and more.
And that’s not even all! New orbs and drifs are also coming, as are changes to the number of daimonites acquired from instances, and other, minor fixes. Want to learn more? Read on!
Let the Lyrist’s tale be carried across the land. The rituals of Forefathers’ Eve will begin soon - hurry up, the clock is ticking! The tormented souls will need your help, so make sure you have time to spare between October 31st and November 4th. End the eternal wandering of the penitents and get a lot of rewards and experience for you and your pets!
Dear Taernians!
We would like to let you know that we have analyzed the data on the summer events as well as the results of the surveys we sent to you after the events were over. We decided to share some highlights that should be the most interesting to you. Let’s start then!
As we previously announced, we’re coming back to you with yet another report from the second edition of closed tests of the mobile version of Broken Ranks. Although we’re still working on it, we want you to know what is happening in our mobile workshop and we’re sure you want to know it, too. ;)
Hello Taernians!
The next update is quickly approaching. And it’s not just any update! This time, the main goal is to improve the quality of playing and experiencing Broken Ranks - we focused mainly on the suggestions you so eagerly share with us on our Discord server. On September 9th, you’ll get almost 60 improvements and features that will enhance QoL in various areas! Want to learn more about the most important of them? Read on.
Hello everyone!
This is Hellvard, one of your Quest Writers. Although I watched TaernCon from the perspective of the merchandise stall (more about it below), I was asked to share my impressions. How was the attendance? What new activities awaited the participants? Who proved to be the mightiest PvP lord and who prepared the most impressive cosplay? Read on to find out!
Taernian meetups are a tradition deeply ingrained in our incredible player community. Every year, more and more fans of our game come to TaernCon as it has become the event where new friendships are forged and old ones are reinforced. We hope that this year’s TaernCon will be very fun and memorable for you.
Hello brave Taernians!
The time has come for you to close your ranks and arrive at the long-awaited event that is TaernCon! You’ll have a chance to meet your comrades from your shared adventures in Taern in the flesh and also get to know Whitemoon Games developers. We’ll have the usual activities but also some new ones. In addition to that, this year we’re going to visit a new venue.
Hello, Taernians!
Not long ago we were celebrating the second birthday of Broken Ranks by giving you “Shadow of Hope” as the celebration gift. It was a large content update that introduced, among others, new areas and the long-awaited continuation of the main storyline. Now it’s time to move forward and implement more plans. Thank you for your support so far!
Soon we are going to celebrate the one day of the year when one can very distinctly feel a certain emotion in the air - love. Archers - prepare your Cupid arrows! Druids - entangle everyone in the embrace of your roots! Knights - may Power of Unity erase the differences between us! Voodoos - shroud the world in the aura of love! Fire Mages - make hearts burn! Sheeds - make sure no one dodges your affection! Barbarians - let emotions pierce your thick skin! And once you do all that, let’s meet in the De Vries Estate, because it’s there that the great ball will be held!
Hello, Taernians!
There’s only a couple of days left until we can celebrate the second birthday of Broken Ranks! Throughout the year, we’ve been working hard to bring you as many new features as possible. We are very happy with what we’ve achieved and still have many ideas for future changes.
The work on the long-awaited mobile version is gaining momentum. The first, closed tests are already behind us. They were conducted by our testers, devteam members, and players who signed up for them during this year’s TaernCon. What happened? What were their first impressions? You’ll find out below ;)
Yet another update is coming and, with it, the next part of the gear rework, the final portion of instance difficulty levels, as well as a handful of fixes and new features. When? Very soon, on December 12th! Want to know what awaits you? Read on.
Let the Lyrist’s tale be carried across the land. The rituals of Forefathers’ Eve will begin soon - hurry up, the clock is ticking! The tormented souls will need your help, so make sure you have time to spare on November 3rd. End the eternal wandering of the penitents and get a lot of rewards and experience for you and your pets!
Let’s say goodbye to the old and hello to the new! The first edition of the Tournament League has finished and another season of battles at the highest level has recently started. Congratulations on your results and good luck.
Hello, Taernians!
The long-awaited Forefathers’ Eve is just around the corner, so you’re probably asking yourselves when exactly it will take place. That’s why we’re here to tell you that it’ll happen on the first weekend of November (November 3rd to 4th at the same time as in the previous years). Make sure you have some free time to play! We’ll give you more details closer to the event date.
After more than five months, one party of brave Taernians achieved what was thought impossible. The Winged Lady tasted defeated for the first time since she had been awakened from her slumber. It is clear that preparation, determination, strategizing, cooperation, and trust prevailed. Glory to the heroes!
Yet another update will soon arrive on the servers, bringing even more fun and challenges. The most important feature will be additional difficulty levels for more instances, but it will also include a handful of fixes and new mechanics you've been asking for. Keep reading if you want to know the details!
The update will go live next week, and the full list of changes will be published, as always, in our changelog at the time of the implementation.
Hello, Taernians!
This is Silka and here’s my report from TaernCon 2023. I’ll tell you what happened at this year’s event, who won each contest, where you can get Broken Ranks swag (including t-shirts - something you’ve been asking about a lot 🙂), and many other things.
Hello, Taernians!
The next update is on the horizon. It will be implemented on June 28th at 9:30 AM CEST. Once the servers are live again, the game will automatically download the changes. If this does not happen, you can check the file integrity by clicking the button next to PLAY.
Czołem, Taernijczycy i Taernijki!
Przychodzimy do Was z kolejną porcją informacji o tegorocznym TaernConie. Dzisiaj przedstawimy kilka szczegółów organizacyjnych i powspominamy sobie jak to było przez te wszystkie lata. Miłego czytanka. 😉
Greetings, Taernians!
At the end of June, another big update is going to be implemented, so it’s high time we lifted the veil of secrecy. Well, at least as far the main content goes. As you know, the previous update introduced the first part of the gear overhaul and was met with a warm welcome. From what we have seen, the ability to customize your gear with drifs made you double your efforts in acquiring rare items. You created many new builds and even simulators that aid players in choosing the right gear. We are very impressed with your creativity - keep it up!
This year, we decided to create some new social media channels and improve the existing ones. Since we now have quite a lot of them, we want to give you some insight into their workings. Today, you’re going to learn about the websites and apps where you can find Broken Ranks and why it’s worth your while to follow all of them. Let’s go! ;)
For many, many years, we’ve been organizing TaernCon - a convention for our most dedicated fans. As always, it’ll take place at the beginning of July. TaernCon is a great opportunity to meet those with whom you explore the world of Broken Ranks face to face, talk to the developers of Whitemoon Games, and get some precious prizes and souvenirs.
At the end of January, we gave you our plans for the changes in legendary gear. They were met with mostly positive comments. We also received a lot of feedback, for which we are very grateful. Now you must be very curious how the work is going and, most of all, when you can expect the changes to be implemented.
Yet another Broken Ranks event is on the horizon. Make sure you have some time to play between December 23rd and January 2nd so that you can join one side of the conflict and immerse yourselves in the atmosphere of the Holiday event!
Old Father Winter or Santa Claus? Santa Claus or Old Father Winter? The old geezers are at it again, so help one take revenge on the other to have some fun and get a lot of presents.
Implemented: February 23rd, 2022 at 12:30PM
Due to the optimization update that we wanted to implement as soon as possible to make the gameplay more comfortable for you, some of the below changes were implemented on February 18th.
*The client will automatically download the update when restarted, so we recommend restarting it.
In Broken Ranks, players have several currency types at their disposal and many options to use them. Today, we’d like to give you an overview of all of them with a special emphasis on letting you know which ones are available for real-world currency and which ones can only be gained by just playing the game.