Дата загрузки: 21.11.2024, 10:00 AM CET.
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Hello, Taernians!
In this update, we’re focusing mostly on improving the loot system and balancing the Archer, but there are some other changes that will surely interest you. Read on!
Loot system:
With these changes, we want loot in the game to be more fair, and reward activity and teamwork. More information can be found in this article so take a look at it if you haven’t done so already. Below is a summary of the introduced changes.
- Added an invisible “luck factor” that is responsible for loot assignment in a party. The factor increases for each player individually with each boss without loot. The higher the factor, the bigger the chance to be assigned the loot if there is any. The factor will be separate for each loot type (rares, sets, epics, drifs, and synergetics). With rare gear, it’ll also increase the chance for loot with every “empty” boss.
- Added guaranteed loot - after killing a certain (partially randomized) number of “empty" bosses, players will be guaranteed to loot rare gear. It won’t work if a boss is much lower or much higher level than the player.
- Added a party bonus to loot - the current bonus will be displayed in the same places as the level bonus.
- Removed loot penalty for the pack - pets will no longer affect loot in any way.
- Added the “Gear loot” and “Artifact loot” windows with a summary of loot - available in the Attributes tab. Both of them have two tabs: the list of all looted items and the summary (to change the tab, use the button in the upper left corner of the window). The windows don’t contain loot from before the update.
- Added the following rankings: loot ranking (only loot from after the update) and weekly loot ranking (resets on Sunday at midnight server time). The number of points gained depends on the type and quality of the loot.
- Added the following achievements: Unparalleled Looter, Elite Looter, Seasoned Looter that can be unlocked by (respectively) being 1st in the weekly loot ranking, being in the top 10% of the weekly loot ranking, and being in the top25% of the weekly loot ranking.
Class balance:
The article also contained class changes (mostly affecting the Archer). As we said, the values there weren’t final. As it turned out, some of them didn’t work in practice, so we made some changes to make the class’s gameplay more comfortable. The final versions of the abilities differ from the ones given earlier, so if you want to learn more about the changes, take a look at the tables in the points below.
- Added a new defensive ability to the Archer - Survival Instinct. In exchange for locking some stamina in combat (for the duration of the effect), Archers get a barrier that absorbs some of the damage taken. During combat, Archers can recharge and charge up the barrier by hitting opponents. The value added with each hit depends on the base barrier. Each hit charges the barrier by 10% of the base value. Detailed values can be found HERE.
- Added a new effect that reduces resistances - Shock. The effect is applied if the opponent is affected by Short Circuit or Dazed (the effect of Poisoned Arrow). The amount of reduced resistances can be increased by taking away Action Points with any ability (both Archer’s or another class’s). Detailed values can be found HERE.
- Removed Strategic Shot from the skillset of the Archer.
- Changed other Archer abilities: Sharp Senses, Fire Arrow, Ice Arrow, Sand in the Eyes.
- Changed Voodoo’s Shadow Shield - the ability will no longer work on mental attacks, decreased damage transferred to mana. Detailed values can be found HERE.
- Decreased the value of ranged defense reduction in Voodoo’s Eye Puncture. Detailed values can be found HERE.
- Replaced Wound (the effect of Strategic Shot) with Fire Aura (the new effect of Fire Arrow) in the Admiral combo for extra AP.
- Replaced Strategic Shot with Sand in the Eyes in the pool of random debuffs at Morana.
- Removed Strategic Shot from the pool of excluded abilities at Sidraga.
- Replaced Strategic Shot with Fire Arrow in boss mechanics that change their behavior while affected by Archer’s abilities (Selena, Lugus).
- Changed the AI of some mobs that use Archer and Voodoo abilities.
- Changed weekly challenges due to class changes: Archer - removed the DoT challenge, added a Survival Instinct challenge; Voodoo - decreased the damage reduction amount for the Shadow Shield challenge. Challenges active when the update is implemented will remain unchanged - the DoT challenge can still be completed with Fire Arrow.
- Due to the changes, all Archers will receive attribute and skill reset tokens. The exceptions are characters below level 30 - their skills will be reset automatically so that they can't have an ability they are too low level for.
Other new features and changes:
Apart from the changes above, we also have some minor ones for you. Most importantly, the number of daimonites and the synergetic scale looted, especially in high level instances, will be increased. However, we also have an important change for lower level players - from now on, the number of essences obtained from gear will depend on the rank group and ornaments, same as with shards. At the moment, the change will largely not affect gear rank VII+ - shattering them will still be more profitable than melting. However, with lower rank gear, whose value is mostly determined by the number of essences obtained from melting, the effect will be much more palpable. Thanks to this change, loot will provide even more satisfaction while low-level Path of Challenge instances will receive a big bonus and their profitability will increase.
Moreover, we'll implement the new look of the legendary Washi that was chosen by our Sheeds in a survey some time ago.
- Performance improvements.
- New appearance of the legendary Washi.
- New drifs: jorn - reduces damage from abilities that deal percentage HP damage (Energy Jolt, Mortal Strikes), lun - provides resistance to freeze, stun, immobilization, and Face of Death, will replace adrim and heb. Both drifs will be intensity 1 (same as heb and adrim).
- New orbs: Q'zen - increases daimonite looted by a percentage, Na'ed - increases defense after taking damage.
- Combined Ky’at and Te’at into a single orb.
- Increased the daimonite obtained from some instance on the Path of Challenge: Commander, Heurokratos, Castle Specter, Mantis, Tiger - from 10 to 15, Ivravul - from 5 to 15, Angvalf-Htaga, Valdarog, Tit - from 25 to 40, Construct, Aqua Regis, ice bosses - from 25 to 60, Draugul - from 25 to 100, Admiral - from 250 to 500, Selena - from 250 to 750, Tarul - from 250 to 275 (however, in this case daimonite has been removed as an additional reward). Other instances stay the same.
- Tarul - both paths: changed the requirement for the leader from needing a Time Crystal to each party member needing a Time Sliver. 5 Time Slivers can be bought from Glanachain Master in Beirn in exchange for 1 Crystal and 100,000 gold. Decreased the overall gold obtained from that instance by ca. 20% and fixed mechanics related to choosing a random class.
- Tarul - Path of Adventure only: increased the number of ducats obtained, removed level 60 and 70 synergetics from the loot pool, increased the chance to loot high level synergetics, decreased the number of inhibitors (mostly diamond), essences, and dviggs, removed Journeyman Glyphs from normal mobs.
- Tarul - Path of Challenge only: increased the number of ducats obtained, removed level 60 and 70 synergetics from the loot pool, increased the chance to loot high level synergetics, decreased the number of Tracks of Terror.
- Changed the values of some items from the side of the server to provide more fair distribution of loot (this will be more visible in instances where there are more drops than players, e.g. Tarul).
- Selena: increased the number of ducats and essences obtained, added shards to the loot pool, inhibitors will no longer drop on the Path of Challenge.
- Path of Challenge Admiral: increased the amount of gold obtained on deck.
- Removed low-scale synergetics and increased the droprate of higher-scale ones from the following opponents: Path of Adventure - Aqua Regis (Discovery and Adventure: removed synergetics level 50 and 60, Challenge: removed synergetics level 60 and 70), Angvalf-Htaga (Adventure: 50, 60, Challenge: 60), Lugus (Adventure: 60, 70, Challenge: 70, 80), Morana (Adventure: 60,70, Challenge: 70, 80), Selena (Adventure: 60, 70, Challenge: 70), Admiral (Adventure: 60, 70, Challenge: 70, 80), Draugul (Adventure: 50, 60, Challenge: 60, 70), Sidraga (70, 80), Sidraga’s Chosen (60, 70), Spectral Hero (Adventure: 50, 60, Challenge: 60, 70), Tassam (Adventure: 50, 60, Challenge: 60, 70), Sallam (Adventure: 50, 60, Challenge: 60, 70), and Irudam (adventure 50, 60, Challenge: 60, 70).
- Increased the droprate of some Selena parts from Lugus’ Guard and Smith to equalize the supply of each part.
- Increased the number of tracks dropping from Path of Adventure Morana from 4 to 5.
- Construct: replaced groups of one sentry with groups of two senties while lowering their attributes; added Rain of Fire to the skillset of the fire sentry; decreased the experience gained from the Construct while increasing it from the sentries.
- Changed the number of essences obtained from melting gear - the system will work similarly to shards, meaning the number of essences will increase for each ornament. More details can be found HERE. Due to this, all rare and set gear rank VI or below have been removed from the marketplace during the update (the tax will be returned automatically).
- Changed the way Freeze and Stun work - hitting with abilities that produce these effects will no longer extend their duration.
- Added a token of skills reset and a token of attributes reset instead of the Skills and Attributes Reset item - starting with this update, they’ll be given to the characters directly in the dedicated windows. Resetting will look the same as without a token but without the payment in platinum. The Skills and Attributes Reset items currently on the servers will not be removed but dragging and dropping them onto a character will cause tokens to be added instead of an instant reset.
- Tax will now be automatically returned if an item is removed from the marketplace by the Administration.
- Other minor changes and improvements related to graphics, animations, and UI.
- Fixed a bug causing resources not to be removed or added (e.g. due to Druid’s Invigoration) if the opponent died to a DoT.
- Fixed a bug causing the wrong time to be displayed for the Ring of Transportation if it was bought on the second day.
- Fixed a bug causing players not to receive all four daily challenges.
- Fixed a bug causing guild invite to be invisible if it was sent in combat.
- Fixed a bug causing the UI to break when resizing the window.
- Fixed a bug preventing players from closing the dynamic event window if they gained no points, added automatic hiding when the event is over, fixed the logic of UI elements on the right to prevent overlaps.
- Fixed a bug related to Shadow Aura and Ominous Aura - if a mob used these skills several times and immediately gear dispel was triggered, the effect was still visible on the player despite being removed.
- Other minor bugfixes.